BRASÍLIA – O President Jair Bolsonaro I affirm, on this fifth date, that I have announced the advance of the second parcel of the emergency aid – later revoked – it was forfeited upon its authorization.
Or an announcement had been made, in the second day, in a collective meeting not Palácio do Planalto in which the President of Caixa, Pedro Guimarães, and Minister of Cidadania, Onyx Lorenzoni, will participate. Na quarta-feira, or Ministério da Cidadania reported that due to lack of resources it will not happen before.
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Or Bolsonaro’s comment was written in a publication on your non-Facebook page. A follower affirmed that either government had “canceled” or auxílio e perguntava as o povo iria “survived”.
O president, then, replied that “nothing was canceled” and that “a minister announced that he was authorized to go ahead with the second parcel.”
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“Primeiro must be paid to everyone to the first parcel, depois or dinheiro depends on supplementary credit, which is ultrapassou em quase 10 milhões or number of requesters. All will be unplanned payment by Caixa”, Bolsonaro added in the social network.
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In accordance with a note disclosed by the Ministry of Citizenship in the Fourth of February, as three plots of land will require a disbursement of R $ 32.7 bilhões each one that has been transferred to Caixa R $ 31.3 bilhões.
A contingent of 12 milhões de trabalhadores ainda não receberam a firstira parcela.
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Or the payment schedule for the second parcel, scheduled to start on this fifth-february at the fourth-feira that will be, on the 29th, will only be announced in May, second by note. O Ministério also mentions that he was alerted by the Controleraia Geral da União (CGU) about a questão orçamentária.