Silveira’s defense denies ‘hidden entry’ of cell phone in prison – 03/02/2021


The defense of the deputy Daniel Silveira (PSL-RJ) said today that “there was never a concealed entry of apparatus” in the jail. In a statement, the defense also criticized the Federal Police.

The position of the deputy’s defense responds to the information released by the O Globo newspapers that the PF (Federal Police) ended the investigation that found out how Silveira had access to two mobile phones when he was detained at the agency’s superintendency in Rio de Janeiro. Janeiro

According to the newspaper, the investigation revealed that the devices were delivered by the lawyer and the deputy’s assistant, who met with him on the occasion.

According to Silveira’s defense, the deputy was not searched at his home at the time of his arrest or upon arrival at the PF superintendency. In addition, he claimed that he was filmed by the press using his cell phone.

“The report presented by the Federal Police is partial, it omits the question of not having had a personal record of the deputy, nor of the articles he carried, since it is also biased by showing an image of an advisor who only returns the device to him. parliamentarian, who had previously gone over to review the working groups, “says the statement.

Daniel Silveira was arrested after he apologized for the military dictatorship and threatened STF ministers in a video posted on Facebook.
