Government of SP will vaccinate the entire city to verify the effectiveness of Coronavac


Coronavac dose in production at the Butantan Institute (January 14, 2021)
Coronavac dose in production at the Butantan Institute (January 14, 2021)
Photo: CNN Brazil

Until now kept under lock and key, Project S, a secret project, will begin to be implemented by the Butantan Institute and the São Paulo state government.

As of February 17, the state government will begin mass vaccination of the population of the city of Serrana, a municipality that is part of the Ribeirão Preto metropolitan region.

About 30 thousand people will be vaccinated, which represents the entire adult population of the municipality. In total, Serrana has more than 43 thousand inhabitants.

The launch will be made by Governor João Doria (PSDB) next week, but the CNN He had access to a “live” carried out by the Butantan Institute in the municipality last Saturday (6).

“This is a study of efficiency, not effectiveness,” he explained to the CNN Dimas Covas, president of the Butantan Institute, after being questioned about the issue by the report.

The Butantan Institute fully finances the study, which will be carried out with the doses left over from previous tests. Only residents of Serrana can get vaccinated.

Studies done so far have verified the vaccine’s ability to protect people who received the immunizer from those who did not.

Now the effect of the vaccine on the spread of the epidemic will be verified, such as new cases, deaths, occupation of ICU beds, etc. In normal studies, these results would only be achieved when a country ends the mass vaccination of its population.

Montaña was chosen because the city is small, but it has a good movement of people, which facilitates the circulation of the virus. In addition, the city reached up to 5% of infected people, which is one of the highest prevalence rates of the disease in the state.

During the “live”, Covas admitted that he has a personal relationship with the city, since his wife is a native of Serrana, although he points out that this was not a reason for choosing the city.

Serrana will be divided into four areas, whose population will be vaccinated on different dates to compare the effects of Coronavac in the regions. The application of the first dose will begin on February 17 and will continue until March 10. Then the second dose will be done.
