BBB 21: How Gossip Can Make Projota a Game Favorite – 01/27/2021


There is no doubt that Projota reached BBB 21 with a lot of desire to play. On the first day, the public nicknamed him “The terror of Boninho.” All because the rapper guessed why he and five other colleagues were isolated in a different house than the rest of the participants.

Last Tuesday (27), Projota again attracted attention, but this time for being a gossip. A supposed production error gave him that Carla Díaz was in the program. Only the rapper saw what happened and he was soon eager to tell the rest of his lockdown gossip.

It became clear that Projota not only wanted to carry the message forward. He was ecstatic, radiant and more alive than ever. With a twinkle in his eyes, the rapper was one by one telling what he saw. And that dear ones is the feeling that the BBB viewer feels on a daily basis.

People like people

When Projota introduced himself to the other confined colleagues, he mentioned that he wanted people to know who he is and not just his job. And he’s right, no one could imagine that the rapper is the type of person who gets so excited about an “ornament.” And more: gossip in a light, fun way and without harming anyone.

In fact, the little information about Projota gave us the impression that he would be a much calmer person inside the house, the famous plant. But it showed just the opposite. Some even call it Pyong again, a comparison that I think is absurd.

It is too early to say who is the favorite or not for the BBB award, although we already know the highlights of those early days. However, it is already possible to say that Projota’s profile has everything to succeed.

Maria Fifi

In other editions, being a gossip would never be considered a quality. But we live in an age where more and more people have assumed they like to gossip and gossip.

Projota was called “Maria Fifi”, a nickname that singers Kevinho and Zé Felipe have also previously earned for actively following and commenting on gossip profiles on Instagram. When a famous person puts himself in the place of following the lives of other celebrities, in the same way that his audience does, he generates much more identification than if he were silent.

So far, Projota has shown that he can read the game well and does not lack charisma. Now, follow up to see if you don’t get lost along the way – something fans of good gossip hope won’t happen.
