Bolsa Família should be published later this month; SEE


The Minister of Citizenship, Onyx Lorenzoni, informed Jovem Pan’s Direto ao Ponto program last Monday (18) that the new Family scholarship It should be officially released later this month.

According to the Lorenzoni statement, the portfolio is ready, awaiting only the authorization of President Jair Bolsonaro. Even so, he informed that the president must authorize the presentation of a new Bolsa Família, but that his patterns will not change.

“It will be Bolsa Família, there is no reason to change, it is the program that people are used to.”

News from Bolsa Família

The minister denied that the new Family scholarship will pay a minimum ticket higher than R $ 200 and that the purpose is the emancipation of families. “We are going to guarantee families. If the person was employed and lost their job for any reason, they can return to the program, without queuing, “he explained.

Lorenzoni affirmed that the resources used will be used from the portfolio budget for 2021. “We made the new Stock Exchange fit into the R $ 35 billion that the budget reserves for 2021. We did everything we could in 2020, we did not ask for a penny more in any program of the Ministry of Citizenship. It is a fiscal deepening that has no room to invent, it has room to be creative and make a different, more focused program, “he said.

Bolsa Família payment schedule in 2021

Payment of Bolsa Família through Caixa Tem

Caixa will begin to pay the benefit of the Family scholarship digitally, through the app Box has, as of December. To do this, the bank will open a digital social account for all those enrolled in the benefit.

The president of Caixa, Pedro Guimarães, explained that the public of the assistance benefit is more sensitive to the issue of technologies. For this reason, the digital account for the payment of Family scholarship it will be offered “with ease,” he said.
