Justice once again denies the postponement of Enem and maintains evidence for this Sunday | Jan 2020


The Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region (TRF-3) maintained this Thursday (14) the decision of the Federal Court in SP that denied the postponement of Enem and kept the dates for next Sunday (17) and the following (24).

In the text of the sentence, Judge Antonio Carlos Cedenho says that “the application of the exam was not an isolated and political decision of the Ministry of Education. It had the participation of sectors directly interested in Enem, including states and municipalities, giving legitimacy and representativeness to the new date of completion ”, in reference to the rescheduling of the race from November 2020 to January.

Although infections by the new coronavirus have intensified, mainly due to the Christmas season, observing health regulations minimizes the risk during the test. As in the elections for mayors and councilors, Enem synthesizes a public interest that is difficult to postpone. ”

In the decision of last Tuesday, maintained this Thursday by the TRF-3, by Judge Marisa Claudia Gonçalvez Cucio, of the 12th Federal Civil Court of SP, If a city has a high risk of contagion that warrants severe traffic restriction measures, it will be the responsibility of local authorities to avoid the test. If this happens, Inep, responsible for the test, will have to re-apply the test.

The judge’s brief states that “the suspension of the exam will lead to the destabilization of basic and higher education, to the detriment of the decisions made, the planning of the test, the governmental programs, of an assistance and affirmative nature (Sisu, Prouni , Fies and social and racial quotas), and the will of a significant part of the student body ”.

It also says that “Inep itself is already considering new dates for the municipalities that, in exercise of federal autonomy -recognized by the STF to combat the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic-, decide to suspend the examination due to the increase in deaths and infections “and citations from the report G1.

The note was based on information transmitted by the Inep press office. Subsequently, the municipality registered the site and rectified the information transmitted to the report. He said there is no set date yet.

The president of the Inep declared this Thursday afternoon G1 that there is no way to “ensure that we will apply in cities that will request a new application.”

The completion of Enem 2020 will put 5.78 million candidates into circulation. The exam will have 14,000 testing sites and 205,000 classrooms across the country. The balance with the number of cities that will have Enem will only be released after the request, according to Inep.

Regarding the states, SP is the one with the highest number of subscribers (910,482), followed by MG (577,227) and BA (446,978). The states with the lowest number of registrants are RR (16,897), AC (41,841) and AP (47,279).

Amazonas suspended the race

This Wednesday night, the Federal Court of Amazonas suspended the test in the state. The preliminary decision was granted by federal judge José Ricardo de Sales.

  • Inep corrects information and says that it will still analyze a new Enem date for cities that do not take the exam

According to the determination, The test must be suspended while the state of public calamity decreed by the state executive lasts., under penalty of a fine of R $ 100 thousand per day of non-compliance, up to the limit of 30 days.

In the decision, the magistrate considers the outbreak of Covid-19 cases that affects the Amazon. As of Wednesday (13), more than 219,000 people have been infected by Covid across the state and more than 5,800 have died from the disease.

In Manaus, the death toll exceeds 3,800 and the capital has suffered from overcrowded hospitals and cemeteries due to a new Covid outbreak. The capital city government decided not to hand over to municipal schools for examination.

Evaluation of infectologists

OR G1 Last Sunday (10), he requested an expert assessment of the date set for Enem at that time of the pandemic under the conditions described by Inep.

Márcio Sommer Bittencourt, from the Epidemiological Clinic of the University Hospital of USP, says that, “very subjective”, the risk with “people in silence, with a mask, with distance and open windows could be considered moderate” in the conditions announced by the Inep .

In his assessment, the decision to maintain or postpone Enem is “very complicated, but I think we are doing the test at the worst moment of the pandemic in Brazil. It is worse than when it was postponed.” [maio do ano passado]”.

For the infectologist Jamal Suleiman, from the Emílio Ribas Institute, in São Paulo, “the risk of transmission in this scenario is minimal, because the possibility of droplet spreading is practically nil. There is no oral communication or physical contact during the stay in the rooms. “.

Suleiman points out that “special attention must be paid to the entry and exit moments of the race so that there is no crowding”. “The bottom line is that if the process strictly follows the security protocol, we will be flexing correctly.”

Miriam Dal Ben, an infectious disease specialist at the Sírio-Libanês hospital in São Paulo, says that the measures adopted by Inep “are the ones indicated to mitigate the risk, but the risk is not zero.”

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