Aid of R $ 300: TODAY 4 installments are released via withdrawals; look which one to receive


This Wednesday, January 13, Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) launches new deliveries of emergency assistance of R $ 300 through withdrawals. The beneficiary may receive the fee according to the month in which their registration was approved.

According to information from the bank, there are, in total, 4 different installments: 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th emergency assistance installments, or the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th installments of the extension with a value of R $ 300.

See what payment you can receive:

6th installment of emergency assistance / 1st installment of R $ 300

The first installment of R $ 300 of emergency aid was the only one paid to the beneficiaries who began to receive the original benefit of R $ 600, in July. The group was entitled to only one part of R $ 300, in addition to the five of R $ 600, available to all those approved.

Those who were born in June can withdraw and transfer the first installment of R $ 300 this Wednesday (13). The money had been deposited in Caixa’s digital social savings account and could only be moved digitally through the Caixa Tem application.

The app allowed Pix to transfer money or via pay stubs to fintechs. It was also possible to use the money for purchases with the QR Code and the debit card online. The remaining amount in the Caixa digital social savings account is automatically transferred to the account used during the recording of the benefit. See all dates below.

Seventh installment of emergency assistance / 2nd installment of R $ 300

The second installment of R $ 300 was the last payment of emergency aid for those who began to receive payments of R $ 600 in June. For that group. There was only the payment of two installments of the extension, which was completed at the end of December. The government does not plan a new extension.

The beneficiaries who were born in June received the second and last installment of R $ 300 on December 18, in cycle 6. Payments in cycles 5 and 6 for this group will have the withdrawal and bank transfer released as of this Wednesday ( 13).

Before that date, beneficiaries born in June could make a bank transfer through Pix through the Caixa Tem application. The application also allowed the payment of utility bills and proof of payment and to make purchases with a QR Code or virtual debit card. See below all the dates of this final program.

8th payment of emergency aid / 3rd payment of R $ 300

A new group of beneficiaries will be able to withdraw in kind the third and last installment of R $ 300 of emergency aid from this Wednesday (13). Whoever received the third installment of R $ 300 as the last one began to receive the original benefit in May.

The third and last installment of R $ 300 was deposited in the second half of December of last year. Throughout the month of January, the beneficiaries of the aid have released their withdrawal and transfer, following the last schedule of the program. The government has no intention of extending emergency aid again.

This Thursday (13), the withdrawal and bank transfer are available for those born in June. Before, the only possible transfer to be made was through Pix, through the Caixa Tem application. The application also allowed the payment of vouchers and debit card purchases online. See all scheduling dates below.

9th installment of emergency aid / 4th installment of R $ 300

This Wednesday (13), a new group will have the right to withdraw cash and bank transfer of emergency aid of R $ 300. Those who began to receive the original benefit in April were also entitled to four installments of the extension of R $ 300. Only this group and the beneficiaries of Bolsa Família were entitled to all the extension fees.

The fourth and last installment was paid on December 29, when those born in that month received it. Throughout January, the beneficiaries have the fourth installment of R $ 300 released for withdrawal.

Withdrawals and transfers are available on Wednesday (13) for beneficiaries who were born in June. Still this week, the movements for those born in July will be announced next Friday. See details below.
