Being vaccinated against Covid-19 may be a requirement in Espírito Santo for school enrollment, the removal of documents and authorization for international travel, as is the case with the yellow fever vaccine, for example. The information was given by the Undersecretary of Health Surveillance, of the State Health Secretariat (Sesa), Luiz Carlos Reblin, in an interview granted this Monday (21).
Reblin clarified that the current legislation of Capixaba already determines the presentation of the vaccination card with the updated doses so that school enrollment is authorized, so the Covid-19 vaccine will also be required as a prerequisite, after being available for the population. .
In Espírito Santo, Law 10,913, of 2018, required to present the vaccination card up to date at the time of registration, that is, children and adolescents up to 18 years of age must be immunized to have access to school, public or private. If it is not updated, the family has up to 30 days to regularize the situation.
However, Reblin recalled that there is still no vaccination forecast for children under 16 years old, as the pharmaceutical industry is just beginning to test vaccines for this audience.
For the age group 16 to 18 years, which is foreseen in the state immunization plan, the current vaccination record is one of the possibilities of administrative measures. The undersecretary added that other strategies will be discussed.
“We must work to stimulate vaccination. In Espírito Santo, we have legislation that establishes that the enrollment of the school network must be done for children who have a current vaccination card. The same measure can be adopted for those who want to make international trips, as happens in yellow fever, access to the withdrawal of documentation, among other measures. This issue still needs a debate, ”Reblin said, adding that some initiatives will fall to the federal government, others to the state.
Luiz Carlos Reblin
Undersecretary of Sanitary Surveillance
“A good part of the administrative issues that we comment on cannot be different in the States. They are not yet completely finalized, requiring a debate by the authorities that have competence to legislate and take measures in this regard.
The measures to be adopted at the state level were approved during a meeting of the Inter-managed Bipartite Commission (CIG). The announcement was made by Luiz Carlos Reblin, Sesa’s Undersecretary of Health Surveillance.
According to him, the state plan is a synthesis of the main activities of organizing the vaccination campaign, structure of the units, expansion of the vaccination network and logistical planning necessary for the execution of the service.
“For this, too, all municipalities, in the shortest possible time, must prepare their municipal plans. The State has a summary of the necessary activities and the Municipal has its own question for each city,” explains Reblin.
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