After the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, said in an interview with see published on Friday (20.20.2020) that the mayor, Rodrigo Maia (DEM), and the governor of São Paulo, João Doria (PSDB), plotted the impeachment of President Jair Bolsonaro, Maia said that he no longer respects Guedes.
When asked about the portal Twitter about the charges, the mayor laughed.
“Kkkkk”, wrote. “I’m waiting for Paulo Guedes to fulfill 10% of the promises made to be able to respect him again ”.
The Minister of Economy had stated that an impeachment plan would be under way, organized by the governors, the mayor and “others”.
“Yes, there was a movement to destabilize the government. It is neither more nor less, no. I had a schedule. In 60 days they were going to hold the impeachment. There were people from Justice, Rodrigo Maia, there were governors involved “, Guedes see.
Guedes said that when he found out, he called the STF (Federal Supreme Court) ministers to understand what was happening.
“We were able to dismantle the conflict by listening to each one. Minister Gilmar Mendes, for example, suggested that the government should give a signal if it was really interested in pacifying relations.said the Minister of Economy.
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