Justia condemns the engineers of the viaduct that fell in BH on Avenida Pedro I – Gerais


The Pedro I Viaduct fell on July 3, 2014 (photo: TJMG)
Viaduct Avenida Pedro I fell on July 3, 2014 (photo: TJMG)

Five engineers were convicted of involuntary manslaughter, one of intentional crime, and two others were acquitted for flyover fall from Pedro I Avenue, North Region of Belo Horizonte, in July 2014. The decision of the judge in cooperation with the 11th Criminal Court of Belo Horizonte, Myrna Fabiana Monteiro Souto.

The work was carried out as part of the mobility improvement plan during the World Cup, held in Brazil in 2014.

Two people died in the landslide, which also injured six workers working at the site and 17 passengers from the minibus struck by the fall.

Those convicted are directors, technical coordinators and engineers responsible for the construction companies Cowan SA and Consol Engenheiros Consultores Ltda. And supervisor, director and secretary of Works and Infrastructure of the Superintendency of Capital Development (Sudecap), responsible for the management of the sector in the town.

Two professionals who worked at Cowan, FAS and JPTM, died during the course of the lawsuit, and the sanction of both expired.

The Bolivian OOSL, resident in another country, had the process dismembered. Employees of Cowan, MST and Sudecap, DRP, were acquitted for lack of evidence of their responsibility in the fall of the structure.

Causes of landslide

According to the complaint from the Public Ministry (MP), the causes of the collapse pointed to several factors.

The deputy pointed out “serious errors and omissions, disregard for public money, irresponsibility of those who must ensure safety, acceptance of risk, negligence in supervision, excessive haste and urgency”, in view of the calendar with the start of the World Cup. .

According to the deputy, “the urgency was notorious and Sudecap, which did not actually inspect anything, just wanted the companies to understand each other and execute the project.”


Judge Myrna Monteiro Souto sentenced five engineers, per guilty offense, to serve sentences ranging from 2 years and 7 months to 3 years and one month in prison.

The magistrate granted the right to substitute the deprivation of liberty for a restrictive right and each one must pay the cash value of 200 minimum wages to the dependents of the two fatalities and another 50 minimum wages for each of the 23 injured victims .

The Cowan engineer, OVC, convicted of a felony (intentional fraud), was not entitled to such a replacement. He was sentenced to 4 years and 8 months in prison for being in charge of inspecting the works of the viaduct and was warned of the creaks before the fall.

“It should have stopped the traffic, thus preventing lives and injuries from being stolen,” the magistrate concluded.

The judge also prohibited the six convicted from exercising their profession, for the same time as the sentence. The right to hold public office was suspended to the Secretary of Works. All sanctions will be met in an initially open regime. (With information from the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais)
