US approves modern vaccine against Covid-19, says Donald Trump, but agency responsible for drugs in the country has not commented | World


The United States approved the Moderna vaccine, according to President Donald Trump, who made the announcement on a social network on Friday (18). Distribution will begin immediately, according to him.

United States: Experts Recommend Approval of Modern Vaccine

US: Experts Recommend Modern Vaccine Approval

The agency responsible for approving the vaccine is the United States drug agency (FDA). The FDA has not officially commented on the Moderna vaccine

On Thursday, a committee of American scientists said they were in favor of approving the Covid-19 vaccine.

The Moderna vaccine goes through the first stage of obtaining approval for use in the US.

The Moderna vaccine goes through the first stage of obtaining approval for use in the US.

With favorable opinion, the distribution depended on approval from the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the body that oversees the fight against infectious diseases in the United States.

This is the second vaccine approved in the US, behind the product developed by Pfizer-BioNTech.

Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines use mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) molecules to cause human cells to generate the coronavirus spike and thus prevent the coronavirus from sticking. See in the VIDEO below how it works.

About a month ago, the pharmaceutical company announced that its product against Covid-19 is 94.5% effective in preventing the disease, according to initial data from the phase 3 study.

The efficacy rate represents the proportion of reduction in cases among the vaccinated group compared to the unvaccinated group.

In practice, if a vaccine is 90% effective, it means that the person is 90% less likely to contract the disease if they are vaccinated than if they are not.

In early December, Moderna said it plans to make between 100 and 125 million doses of its immunizer available in the first quarter of 2021.

VIDEOS: Watch the most viewed G1
