Moraes: Hypocritical to be against one vaccine and run after another to travel – 12/17/2020


STF (Federal Supreme Court) Minister Alexandre de Moraes said today that criticism of covid-19 vaccines is based on “obscurantism” and said that he identified “hypocrisy” in critics of the coronavirus immunizer who, however, suffer yellow fever vaccination for tourism abroad.

“Unfortunately, we see the discussions arise with a lot of hypocrisy, in absolutely radical speeches where many people are exalted against vaccines, hiding in this radical, ideological, obscurantist discourse, saying that this ends up interfering in the total and unrestricted freedom of that individual to do whatever”. I understand, “said the minister.

“They are the same people who don’t mind running for the yellow fever vaccine, indulging in personal magazines or scanners at airports without complaint, and traveling abroad and going to exotic paradises.
Alexandre de Moraes, Minister of the Supreme Court

The STF (Supreme Federal Court) decided, in today’s ruling, that the State can determine the mandatory vaccination against covid-19. However, the use of force to demand vaccination is prohibited, although restrictions may apply to the rights of those who refuse vaccination.

Ten ministers spoke out in favor of mandatory vaccination, which can be determined by the federal government, the states, or the municipalities. The sanctions for those who breach the obligation must be defined by law.

Only Nunes Marques presented a divergent vote in the trial, restricting the possibility of mandatory vaccination. Despite acknowledging the possibility that vaccination is mandatory, the minister argued that immunization should be adopted only as a “last measure”, after the approval of the Ministry of Health and a voluntary vaccination campaign.

Marques was nominated to the Supreme Court this year by President Jair Bolsonaro (no party), who is against the mandatory covid-19 vaccine and has already said he will not take it.

None of the vaccines developed against covid in the world have been approved for use in Brazil. The federal government presented a national vaccination plan yesterday, but without defining the start of vaccination. Today Minister Eduardo Pazuello (Health) affirmed that the country will receive 24.7 million doses from January.

Minister Ricardo Lewandowski, rapporteur of the actions of the two parties, defended that no one can be physically forced to be vaccinated, but that restrictions can be imposed on those who refuse to be vaccinated, such as the prohibition of accessing certain places or carrying out some activities.
