SP government changes norm and decides to maintain face-to-face classes in basic education in 2021 even if the pandemic worsens | Saint Paul


The government of São Paulo decided on Thursday (17) to change the rules to ease the quarantine and authorize the return of face-to-face classes in the basic education network in 2021, even if the state registers a worsening in the coronavirus pandemic.

The measure is valid even if the state returns to more restrictive phases of economic relaxation established by the state plan.

Under current rules, public and private schools can only open in regions that are in the yellow phase of the flexibility plan. With the change announced this Thursday by Governor João Doria (PSDB), the forecast is that the The school year resumes on February 4 of the next year.. The decree with the new rules must be published in the Official Gazette this Friday (18).

“The government of São Paulo fully accepted the guidance of the Ministry of Education and the Contingency Center to maintain the gradual return of face-to-face classes for the academic year 2021. The decree authorizing classes in all phases of the plan will be signed. São Paulo for me today and published tomorrow in the Official Gazette of the State of São Paulo ”, said Governor João Doria.

According to the State Department of Education, the autonomy of the mayors was maintained to be able to veto the return in person in their cities. However, in municipalities where state return guidelines are followed, All schools are expected to reopen and the return of students will be mandatory. Under the previous rules, each school had autonomy of decision and the presence of students was optional.

Press conference of the SP government this Thursday (17) – Photo: Reproduction / TV Cultura

“The return will occur in a regionalized manner in accordance with the security criteria established by the Covid-19 contingency center. The decision to keep the schools open is based on international and national experiences that aim to ensure the safety of the children. students, teachers and employees of the public and private education network throughout the state of São Paulo, also aims at the cognitive and socio-emotional development of millions of children and adolescents in the state of São Paulo ”, added Doria.

If an area is in the red or orange phases of the São Paulo Plan, basic education schools, which serve students from early childhood to high school, can receive up to 35% of the students enrolled daily. In the yellow phase, they are authorized to serve up to 70% of the students; and in the green phase, up to 100%.

According to the Secretary of State for Education, Rossieli Soares, in the case of higher education schools, the authorization is subject to maintaining the region in the yellow phase.

“Higher education stays with the same rule, it only opens while in yellow, that is, up to 35% now open the university at the regional level, we no longer have the global view of the state for both basic education and higher education . Already basic education, we are authorizing the opening even in the red flag, even in the orange flag, we are authorizing with up to 35% of the assistance to basic education, especially focused on those who need it most ”, explained Rossieli.

He also noted that the changes were proposed following international standards, such as the one implemented in France, which opted to close other social segments and keep schools open.

“We are looking at what the world is doing, countries that have chosen to close other segments, but that are maintaining the case of France, Ireland, which was the first to speak of a blockade even at this time of increasing cases, but maintaining open schools. If we have to choose, we will choose education, that has to be an option of our society “, the secretary completed.

Rossieli argued that the return to activities, authorized by the state since October, demonstrated that the school, with the appropriate protective equipment and following health protocols, is a safe environment.

“We have almost 2,000 public schools with activities and we have no transmission records. This is a major success and once again shows something that everyone has been arguing that is not the place of the school and neither is the child, as the scientific studies around the world are showing that they are responsible for the transmission, unlike from other viruses ”.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, regular face-to-face classes have been suspended since March, when quarantine was implemented to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

In the state, the government authorized the return in October, but gave municipalities the autonomy to decide whether or not to allow the return.

In São Paulo, only high school students were allowed to resume. For kindergarten and elementary education, reopening was allowed only for extracurricular classes.

This Thursday (17), the Court gave the City of São Paulo and the state government ten days to present the return schedule for face-to-face classes for next year.

In the decision, the government was also asked to clarify whether education workers are expected to be included in the priority vaccination pool against Covid-19.

Jusitça gives 10 days for the municipality and state of SP to give explanations about the return to classes

Jusitça gives 10 days for the municipality and state of SP to give explanations about the return to classes

According to the state schedule, released on December 7, the vaccination against Covid-19 will be carried out from January 25 to health professionals, indigenous people and quilombolas.

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