Ibovespa closes 1.5% higher, falls 118 thousand points and reaches a maximum since January; dollar rises to R $ 5.10


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SÃO PAULO – Ibovespa closed sharply higher on Wednesday (16) pulled by Vale (VALE3) and the banks amid the continuity of the mineral rally and the approval of the Budgetary Guidelines Law (LDO) in the Chamber of Deputies, reaching thus his highest score since January 24 of this year.

The deputies approved the project by 444 votes to 10. The rapporteur for the proposal (PLN 9/20), Senator Irajá (PSD-TO), made changes to the version of the Executive Power. It maintained a primary deficit of R $ 247.1 billion as a fiscal goal for next year, a result of income less expenses before interest payments.

As for ore, futures contracts traded today on the Dalian Stock Exchange closed up 2.96%, trading at 1,008.0 yuan, equivalent to US $ 154.42 today.

On the macroeconomic radar, investors were attentive to the interest decision of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), which kept the basic interest rate in the United States in the range between 0% and 0.25% per year.

In addition, the US monetary authority reinforced its commitment to buy at least $ 120 billion in bonds per month “until substantial progress has been made towards the maximum employment and price stability targets of the Committee,” the statement said.

In a speech after the decision, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the Fed would increase its bond purchases to stimulate the economy if there are signs of a slowdown in the recovery of the US economy.

Powell also said it will be some time before the United States returns to higher levels of inflation. “I think you need to be honest about inflation today. It will not be easy to get it back up, it will take some time. It took us a long time to bring inflation to 2% a year after the last crisis ”, evaluated the President monetary authority.

Also on the radar, talks about a $ 748 billion stimulus package appear to have progressed. After meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he was optimistic about a deal soon.

As a result, the Ibovespa increased 1.47%, to 117,857 points and a financial volume traded of R $ 32,163 billion.

Today’s Stock Exchange gains came after the benchmark zeroed out losses for the year in the previous trading session. It should be remembered that today the options on the Ibovespa Futuro index and the contracts expired for December.

Meanwhile, the commercial dollar rose 0.34% to R $ 5,1057 in the purchase and R $ 5,1062 in the sale. The future dollar maturing in January 2021 registered an increase of 0.2%, to R $ 5,092.

In the future interest market, the ID of January 2022 rose four basis points to 2.98%, the ID of January 2023 rose from nine basis points to 4.36%, the ID of January 2025 advanced 11 basis points at 5.94% and the ID of January 2027 registered a positive variation of eight basis points at 6.76%.

The negative side of the political news was revealed by Bloomberg with an increase in the polarization of Congress after the mayor, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), carried out new attacks on the government. Maia said she offered to include the triggers in the state aid bill before the vote, but government leaders asked her not to.

This generated criticism from the mayor, who accused the Altiplano of having lost the will and the conditions to maintain the fiscal austerity promised in the 2018 elections.

Maia tries to add a successor to the presidency of the Chamber, but for that he will have to defeat the deputy Arthur Lira (PP-AL), who is the candidate supported by President Jair Bolsonaro.

Returning abroad, Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, the executive body of the European Union, said there had been progress in negotiations with the United Kingdom on the post-Brexit trade deal, raising the value of the Actions.

He said the next few days must be “critical.” The current trade agreement will end on December 31.

On the European continent, investors are also on the lookout for major economies such as Germany, the Netherlands and Italy to close during the Christmas period, in order to avoid a sharp increase in coviditis cases.

Initially, the plan of these countries was to relax the rules during the Christmas season.

On Wednesday, Germany begins a month-long lockdown. Schools and businesses deemed non-essential must close.

The country returned to record a record number of deaths from covid on Wednesday. They were 910, well above the level of 206 registered two days earlier. On the same day, Germany also recorded its record for new cases, 33,825.

Following the criticism, the UK is also reconsidering its plans to relax restrictions over Christmas.

Vaccination in Brazil

Brazil has registered 964 deaths from Covid in the last 24 hours. It was the first time that the threshold exceeded 900 deaths in almost three months.

Thus, the moving average of deaths in the last days reached 667, a level 25% higher than 14 days before, and the highest since October, when the moving average reached 675. Eighteen states and the Federal District registered an increase of deaths.

In 24 hours, 44,849 new covid cases were confirmed, reaching a moving average of 42,620 cases in seven days, an increase of 11% compared to the level of 14 days before.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Health sent the Federal Supreme Court (STF) information on the National Vaccine Operationalization Plan. The government said the plan would be fully implemented in 16 months, without giving an exact date for the start of immunization in Brazil.

However, Planalto indicated that, after registration of a vaccine or authorization for emergency use by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), the product can be purchased and delivered to the Storage Complex of the Ministry of Health. distribution to federation units would take up to five days, paving the way for vaccination to begin.

The government stipulated four priority groups, but did not disclose their composition. This Wednesday morning, President Jair Bolsonaro (without a party) and the Minister of Health, General Eduardo Pazuello, intend to present the plan, possibly providing new details.

On Tuesday, Deputy Geninho Zuliani (DEM-SP), rapporteur for the provisional measure on the purchase of the Covid vaccine to be produced by the international consortium Covax Facility, coordinated by the World Health Organization, said that it intended to include the provision that citizens sign a term of responsibility before being vaccinated, as advocated by the president.

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), said, however, that he spoke with his party colleague, and that the provisional measure should be voted on Thursday without this point. Maia said that if the president wishes, he can send the proposal as an amendment.

Corporate radar

On the corporate radar, Suzano announced on Tuesday that her board of directors approved a R $ 4.9 billion investment plan for 2021.

On the other hand, PetroRio’s board approved this Tuesday the start of works to carry out a public offering of shares with restricted efforts, with the aim of raising approximately US $ 250 million.

Engie Brasil approved on Tuesday an additional provisional dividend loan in the amount of R $ 554.4 million, corresponding to R $ 0.68 per share, the company reported in a statement. In addition, Engie Brasil’s board of directors also approved a loan for interest on equity in the amount of R $ 175 million, corresponding to R $ 0.21 per share, with an account entry scheduled for December 31, 2020. It will also be paid later, the company added.

On the other hand, Sanepar, a water and sewerage company in Paraná, announced on Tuesday the extension of the social tariff for 90 days as of December 20.

Also highlighted, Neogrid had an IPO price of R $ 4.50 per share, below the floor.

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