Flordelis Case: Witness Raises New Version of Pastor’s Murder – 12/11/2020


In a confrontation held today, before another hearing that judges the case of federal deputy Flordelis, a former parishioner, Vivian María, confirmed in court that she heard that Simone dos Santos, Flordelis’s biological daughter, also shot the pastor. Anderson do Carmo in the garage of the family home, in Pendotiba, in Niterói. The crime occurred in June of last year.

According to the report, Simone shot the victim’s private parts. This is a new version of the crime. However, the MPRJ (Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro) did not add the testimony to the process.

The woman also said that she learned that Flordelis’s other son, André de Oliveira, would have held the pastor so that Simone and Flávio would shoot him.

According to Vivian, the details were told to her by Cristiana Rangel, wife of Pastor Carlos Ubiraci, who is also in prison accused of participating in the murder. Carlos and Cristiana are Flordelis’s loving children and they all lived in the same house.

Before Judge Nearis dos Santos, Cristiana denied having reported the crime to the church attendant.

The new version of Pastor Anderson’s murder appeared at the last hearing during the testimony of businesswoman Regiane Rabelo, who revealed that she had heard Vivian’s story.

Flordelis’s family lawyer, Luis Felipe Alves, called the report “something of the gossipy people in the church.”

“The prosecutor has already disregarded this testimony and will not include it in the complaint. Yes [promotor] If I understood that this really happened, I would add the complaint, that is, it would include the facts. This story has already fallen apart, “concluded the lawyer. Twitter.

Today was the fourth hearing in the lawsuit for the murder of Pastor Anderson.

So far, Flávio dos Santos is the only one accused by the MP of having shot him. The other defendants are accused of participating in the crime, but were not designated as executors. During the investigations, no other people were reported at the crime scene besides him.

The pastor’s father was also heard at today’s hearing. He was included by the defense, but he arrived at the forum accompanied by the lawyer in the case. He informed the court that he was Anderson’s adoptive father, that his son never helped him financially, and that he was not aware of any relationship problems between him and Flordelis.
