The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia (DEM), criticized the federal government this Friday (11), in São Paulo, when he said that the administration of the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro (without a party), “interferes in a undemocratic “in the elections for the presidencies of the House and the Senate next year.
According to Maia, who gave a lecture at the 19th LIDE Business Forum, the government is offering amendments and positions to MPs to vote for their nominees. For the mayor, “there is a political struggle” and the government is allowing “political interests to prevail over the interests of society.”
“They talked a lot about cleaning up politics, modernizing politics, and they are proposing, something that I’m sure Parliament will not accept, which is to be put up for sale by amendment or by mail. I’m sure the House will. It will be much bigger than that and will elect an independent mayor, ”Maia said.
Parliamentarians reported that the Bolsonaro government promises to release additional funds from this year’s budget in exchange for votes to support the government’s presidential candidate, Arthur Lira (PP-AL).
“The government has been interfering in an undemocratic way in the electoral process of the Chamber. The parties of the left have already presented measures in the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) and I believe that this will end in the Brazilian Judicial Power. Only a government that does not respect politics, that does not respect democracy and that puts left-wing deputies into the cabinet thinking that someone is for sale. For the love of God, ”Maia added.
“This is Brazilian politics, the interests of each one prevail over the interests of Brazil. Realizing that political interests prevail over the interests of society gives us, first, more conditions to continue fighting. But second, the certainty that our challenges are not small, “said Maia.
“In the last 2 years, we have been able to show [que a Câmara} é uma instituição forte e independente, não em condições de ameaçar, atacar, como eles fazem, de ameaçar com impeachment, de ameaçar e ficar travando a pauta do governo. Aliás, é inusitado, o próprio governo obstruiu a sua própria pauta”, acrescentou o presidente da Câmara.
“Em relação às reformas, ficamos pra trás. A reforma administrativa, o governo atrasou”, disse Maia.
Maia defendeu que o próprio governo impediu a aprovação de projetos importantes para o país neste ano, como a PEC Emergencial e a Reforma Tributária e defendeu que o Congresso tomou as medidas cabíveis, rapidamente, para permitir a situação de calamidade pública devido à Covid-19, com uma emenda constitucional que afrouxou regras fiscais que impediriam a aplicação financeira por municípios na saúde neste ano.
“Para esse governo, é uma incoerência falar em calamidade [pública por causa da Covid-19, decretada pelo Congresso]. Because until today it has not recognized that there is a pandemic and that people are dying ”. Certainly for him [o governo Bolsonaro], there is no calamity, Maia added.
Maia gave a lecture during a business event in SP – Photo: Gustavo Rampini / LIDE
For the president of the Chamber, the fact that the Emergency PEC, which deals with spending caps and spending control, was left to be analyzed by Congress only next year, harms the country. According to Maia, the federal government, which “sent the PEC”, then “removed it from the House and sent it to the Senate” for political reasons.
The PEC establishes triggers to comply with the spending ceiling and without it the economic area will have an additional challenge to close the 2021 budget. The text was sent by the government itself to the Chamber in November.
“What is an emergency is no longer an emergency. This is Brazilian policy, the interests of each prevail over the interests of Brazil,” said Maia, calling the Bolsonaro administration’s strategy “amazing.”
“We are going to enter a fiscal abyss in 2021 in Brazil because what Paulo Guedes (economy minister) said was an emergency, is no longer an emergency, now no one needs the emergency PEC,” criticized Maia.