RN confirms 1st case in Brazil


The state health department of Rio Grande do Norte confirmed yesterday the first case of reinfection by the new coronavirus. According to the Potiguar government, the case is the first in Brazil to be confirmed by the Ministry of Health. The report sought out the ministry and expects a return.

According to the information released by the secretariat, the case was confirmed using the Fiocruz (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz) methodology through genetic sequencing.

The patient is 37 years old, lives in Natal and is a health professional in Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba. According to the secretariat, Cievs-RN (Rio Grande do Norte Health Surveillance Strategic Information Center) received notification of a suspected case of reinfection on October 23.

His first infection occurred in June. At the time, he had a flu-like condition: headache, abdominal pain, and a runny nose. He collected a sample for the RT-PCR test in Paraíba and the result was positive. He fulfilled the social isolation and recovered.

In October, the patient again presented flu-like symptoms: weakness, muscle pain, frontal headache, and taste and smell disorders. A sample was taken for a new test in Paraíba, which was also positive.

Together, Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba investigated the case.

The secretariat reported that, after the investigation, the samples were sent for analysis at the Fiocruz laboratory, in Rio de Janeiro, a reference for the laboratory investigation of suspected cases of reinfection by the coronavirus, according to the flow established by the Ministry of Health.

Different strains of the virus

According to the secretariat, in the collected samples the presence of different strains of the virus was found, “which confirms the first case of reinfection in the country.”

The folder said there are currently five other cases under investigation. Three more were investigated, but were not feasible for analysis.

With the confirmation of reinfection, the secretariat reinforced the need to adopt preventive measures such as avoiding overcrowding, the use of a mask and constant hand hygiene, even for patients who have already been affected by COVID-19.
