‘They took the dreams of two children’, says cousin of dead girls at the door of her house in Duque de Caxias | Rio de Janeiro


The families of Emilly Victoria, 4, and Rebeca Beatriz Rodrigues dos Santos, 7, killed after being shot in the door while playing, lamented that the girls were victims of violence at such a young age. They were on the morning of this Saturday (5) at the IML of Duque de Caxias, in Baixada Fluminense.

“It’s disgusting. Because they took away two children’s dreams,” said Ana Lúcia Alves de Souza, the children’s cousin.

He said that the relatives were working and the girls were playing under the supervision of their grandmother, in the Santo Antônio community, when the crime occurred.

“The whole family is made up of workers. We were all working. And arriving from work we received this news. They were being children. One in 4, one in 7. They were children. What child has never played in the doorway? They were under the supervision of their grandmother and great-grandmother. It was a minute that the grandmother entered the house and that happened ”, said Ana Lúcia.

Only the mother of one of the girls will attend her daughter’s funeral. The other is agitated and will not be able to go to the cemetery.

Emilly Victoria, 5, and Rebeca Beatriz Rodrigues dos Santos, 7, were shot in the community of Barro Vermelho, in Duque de Caxias – Photo: Playback

According to relatives, Rebeca Beatriz was hit in the head and the same bullet hit Emily Victoria’s abdomen.

The grandmother of one of the girls said she was coming back from work. The girls were waiting for her on the sidewalk to buy a snack when a police car passed around 8pm. Family members said they did not know if there was any kind of harassment, but only saw the police firing.

“I was coming home from work and I got off the bus. I heard at least ten shots. The bus passed and the blazer stopped and made that jump to get out. He stood in front of the street and just fired, ”said Lídia Santos, grandmother. of Rebeca.

Family members cannot say if there was any kind of persecution at that time.

The Military Police say that a team from the 15th Battalion (Duque de Caxias) was patrolling Rua Lauro Sodré, near the community of Sapinho, when shots were heard. According to the prime minister, the officers did not fire and the team left.

The case is being investigated by the Baixada Fluminense Homicide Police (DHBF).

Emily would turn five on December 23 and have the first party to celebrate the date. It would be a celebration only for family members, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Since the family was experiencing financial difficulties, it had not been possible to hold a celebration before. The theme of the celebration would be the character of Moana.

The family decided to bury the girl with the clothes she would wear at the funeral.
