CONFIRMED! Bolsa Família will return in January 2021


After the end of emergency help and there is still no agreement to create the Citizen income, OR Family scholarship will continue to be paid in 2021. The expectation is that emergency aid of R $ 300 It will no longer run until 2021. Therefore, the Government continues to maintain the Bolsa Família program at this time.

A viable alternative would be creation of Citizen Income. However, there is still no definition on the launch of the new assistance program. At the moment, there is a discussion between the parliamentarians and the Economy Ministers, Paulo Guedes and the Secretary of the Government, Eduardo Ramos, in addition to President Jair Bolsonaro.

Currently, Bolsa Família benefits more than 14 million Brazilians and has a budget of R $ 29 billion per year. For 2021, the Government prepares a budget of R $ 35 billion.

Another change that may occur is a possible “boost” from the government with a bigger budget that could help millions of vulnerable Brazilians. The idea now is that more families have access to the program in 2021.

However, an eventual expansion of Bolsa Família to include a vulnerable part of the population that will be left destitute for the purpose of emergency aid should only occur from February, when the Union budget for 2021 will be discussed.

Another point, included, will be the expansion is the budget margin. According to government sources, in the balance made in the last rounds of talks, it will be necessary to advance in the direction of reforming the government’s commitment to fiscal discipline.

New substitute for emergency aid and new Bolsa Família

The program Citizen income, which is intended to replace the emergency aid in 2021 and include the Bolsa Família, will be discussed only after the second round of the municipal elections. The confirmation came through the government leader in the Chamber of Deputies, Ricardo Barros (PP-PR), to the blog of journalist Andréia Sadi from Globo News.

Initially, the federal government proposes that the new social program replace the Family scholarship and emergency help. The text that creates the program has already been submitted. However, due to the funding model, the program has not advanced.

“The Renda Cidadã issue, if we are going to do it or not, how and what will be done, everything will be decided after the second round. If we talk about positioning now, everything will serve as a choice. It is prudent to leave it for later, as well as the reforms ”, confirmed Barros.

According to information from the blog of columnist Sadi, members of the Bolsonaro government are looking for a solution to end the emergency aid, since it promoted an increase in the popularity of the president. However, the economic team maintains that it is not possible to maintain the payment of the aid without breaking the spending ceiling.

See also: The aid of R $ 300 will reach the ninth installment in 10 days; look who will receive
