Opportunities for chief of police, police officer, police secretary, investigator and papilloscopist. Register open or closed to open.
The Civil Police of Pará (PC PA) and the Civil Police of Rio Grande do Norte (PC RN) published notices of public competitions which together add 1,389 higher education places. Registration is now open for PC RN and is close to opening for PC PA. See details below:
PC RN Contest
- Jobs: 301
- Charges: delegate (47 vacancies); police officer (230 vacancies); police employee (24 vacancies);
- Salary: delegate (R $ 16,670.59), agent (R $ 4,731.91), secretary (R $ 4,731.91);
- Registration fee: Registrar (R $ 120), Agent (R $ 120) and Delegate (R $ 150)
- Registration: from 2:00 p.m. on November 27 to 4:00 p.m. on December 21, 2020 on the FGV website;
- Objective test: March 7, 2021, from 8 am to 1:30 pm for the agent and registrar positions and from 8 am to 12:30 pm for the delegate position;
- Speech test: delegate (March 14, 2021) and agent and registrar: March 7, 2021 (same day and objective test).
PC PA Contest
- Jobs: 1,088;
- Charges: Delegate (265), Registrar (252), Investigator (506) and Papiloscopist (65);
- Salary: R $ 6,893.57 (registrar, researcher, papiloscopist) and R $ 18,050.00 (delegate);
- Registration: opens at 10 am on December 7, 2020 and closes at 11:59 pm on February 4, 2021 through the AOCP Institute website;
- Registration fee: from R $ 70 to R $ 140;
- Objective test: delegate (March 21, 2021) and researcher, papiloscopist and secretary (March 28, 2021);
- Speech test: it will occur on the same day as the objective evaluations.
See also: Competitions 2021: More than 200 thousand federal vacancies planned for next year