Residents of Ayrton Senna Avenue, in the Ponte Alta neighborhood, in Betim, in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte (MG), were hastily taken from their homes on the night of Tuesday 17, after a five-story building, still under construction . , overturn and pose a risk to other homes in the neighborhood. There was no record of victims in the event.
According to the Fire Department, residents of the neighborhood began to hear creaking sounds coming from the building’s structure around 11:45 p.m., when they found the building leaning. The corporation was triggered by the risk of collapse in the building located at number 548 of the avenue.
In addition to the seven firefighting vehicles that moved to the site, the Military Police (PM), the Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais (Cemig) and the Civil Defense of Minas Gerais were also summoned.
The Civil Defense is evaluating whether part of the building’s structure may have been compromised due to the heavy rains that hit the region on Tuesday night. It is also checking whether neighboring houses have been affected. The rain must interfere with work. According to Climatempo, this Wednesday the 18th the forecast is rain day and night.
The residents were evicted Tuesday night (Photo: Alex de Jesus / O Tempo / AE)