The interruption occurred after the rapporteur of the case, Minister Félix Fischer, denied the appeals in court in the Fifth Panel. Noronha said she needed more time to analyze the cases.
“It is a complex case, which I have to examine. No one, no lawyer was with me. They sent a memorial, they delivered it to the office yesterday, last week. I will examine it, ”said the minister.
With the colleague’s move, Fischer couldn’t even finish reading the vote – and even complained.
Flávio’s defense questions four points:
At the beginning of the month, the Public Ministry of Rio denounced the senator and former aide Fabrício Queiroz for the alleged scheme in the Legislative Assembly of Rio.
The investigations began in 2018 after a report by Coaf, the Financial Activities Control Council, identified suspicious movements in the bank account of Fabrício Queiroz, a former adviser to Flávio Bolsonaro, when Flávio was a state deputy. Queiroz moved R $ 1.2 million between January 2016 and January 2017.
The Rio Public Ministry accuses Flávio Bolsonaro, Fabrício Queiroz and 15 other investigated parties of participating in the corruption scheme known as “crack”, in which the parliamentarian participates in the salaries of employees.