Security camera captures murder of journalist in Mato Grosso – 11/17/2020


A 44-year-old journalist was shot dead on Sunday night (15) in Peixoto de Azevedo (MT), 674 km north of Cuiabá. Shortly before being murdered, the victim published a political post on her social networks, celebrating the victory of Maurício Ferreira de Souza (PSD), candidate for re-election to the mayor of the city. A security camera captured the moment of the crime.

In the video, which circulates on social networks, Ediney Menezes appears driving a black car and stops at the corner of Rua Getúlio Vargas and Avenida Itamar Dias, in the center of the city. Soon after, a man exits the vehicle and disappears from the image. The car the journalist is in has been stopped for more than a minute.

In the images you can see that the place has a lot of vehicle movement. At the end of the video, a motorcycle with two men approaches the journalist’s car, in the opposite direction, and stops next to the driver. Then the dealer draws the gun and shoots.

According to the Civil Police, the event took place around 10:30 p.m. “The victim was found dead in the driver’s seat of an HB20 vehicle, apparently hit by three bursts of fire, in the head region,” police said. Twitter notices me.

Still according to the police, investigations are underway to identify and arrest the perpetrator of the murder. A police investigation was launched to investigate the case and some steps were taken this morning to listen to witnesses and collect images from security cameras.

According to Police Chief Edmundo Félix de Barros Filho, the work is in its initial phase and, only after listening to witnesses and gathering other information, will it be possible to draw the line of investigation, as well as define the motivation for the crime.

The report sought the Mato Grosso Military Police to give details of what happened, but the corporation limited itself to saying that information about the incident should be sought from the Civil Police, as well as details of the investigations.
