- Daniel gallas
- BBC Brazil in London
Carlos Bolsonaro was elected councilor with fewer votes than in 2016
Councilor Carlos Bolsonaro (Republicans), son of the President of the Republic, was re-elected to his post in the Rio de Janeiro City Council this Sunday (11/15). It received 71,000 votes, a drop of more than 30% from the 106,000 votes it obtained. Carlos Bolsonaro also lost the most voted councilor position in Rio de Janeiro, which he had won in 2016, to Tarcisio Motta (Psol), elected with more than 86,000 votes.
But the president’s son was an exception among the candidates who were at the polls with his famous family name. A BBC News Brazil poll of candidates who competed under the name “Bolsonaro” shows that only Carlos was successful.
In total, 66 Bolsonaros candidates for councilor and two for mayor (Jaboticabal and Várzea Paulista, in SP) were defeated. There were also politicians who were prevented from using Bolsonaro’s name to run.

Ex wife and wal
Among the candidates who used the name “Bolsonaro”, some have a real connection to the president.
This is the case of Rogeria Bolsonaro (Republicans), Jair’s ex-wife and Carlos’s mother, who ran for a seat on the Rio de Janeiro City Council. Her name at the polls is “Rogeria Bolsonaro” and her full name appears on the TSE website as “Rogeria Nantes Braga Bolsonaro.”
In the past, in 2000, when he was breaking up with Rogeria, Jair Bolsonaro tried to prevent his ex-wife from using his last name in the race for elections. On the occasion, he also launched the candidacy of Carlos, then only 17 years old, to run and defeat his mother. The strategy worked at the time and Carlos was elected.
This year, however, Rogéria ran with the support of her children, who even helped her, although Carlos was also in the dispute. And Rogeria, now reconciled with Jair, campaigned to defend her ex-husband’s tenure in the Presidency.
“The man who said he has no jurisdiction, (sic) saved Brazil in the middle of (sic) the global crisis,” he wrote on Twitter about Jair Bolsonaro.
Rogeria received only 2,034 votes (0.08%) and was not elected.
Credit, TSE
Former wife of Jair Bolsonaro and mother of Carlos, Rogeria failed to be elected
A relative of Jair Bolsonaro who used his last name at the polls was also defeated. Marcos Bolsonaro (PSL), a distant cousin of the president, ran for mayor of Jaboticabal (SP) and obtained 4% of the votes, occupying last place in the dispute.
Another candidate who used the surname Bolsonaro in the elections, without success, was Walderice Santos da Conceição, known as Wal do Açaí, who ran for councilor in Angra dos Reis (RJ). At the polls he appeared under the name of Wal Bolsonaro (Republicans).
Wal was a payroll clerk in Jair Bolsonaro’s office when he was a parliamentarian, but the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper saw him working at his açaí shop in the Angra dos Reis region during office hours. She is the subject of an investigation into the case.
In Sunday’s election, she received fewer than 300 votes and could not be elected.
‘Donald Trump Bolsonaro’
The vast majority of the defeated “Bolsonaros” were dishonest candidates who used the name to attract votes among the president’s supporters.
In several cases, the Electoral Tribunal has prohibited the use of the Bolsonaro surname by candidates who tried. This was the case of João Santana, from the PSL, who wanted to run for the position of councilor in Brusque (SC) under the name “Donald Trump Bolsonaro.”
The Electoral Court decided that the candidate was not known by that nickname and therefore rejected his candidacy. This was the same justification used in other similar cases. With his real name, João Santana was not chosen.
Credit, Reuters
Bolsonaro saw many of his candidates defeated on Sunday
BBC News Brazil counted at least ten “Bolsonaro” candidates who were prevented from using the name, their candidacies were contested or dropped.
But many managed to use the name without legal obstacles.
In some cases, the president’s last name appeared only as part of a nickname (“Capitão de Bolsonaro”, “Gil do Bolsonaro”, “Bolsonaro Sergipano”, “Rafa Apoiadores de Bolsonaro”, among others). But most chose to use the president’s last name as if it were part of their own name.
A BBC News Brazil poll shows that councilors were defeated in all five regions, and in some cities there was more than one “Bolsonaro” nominated:
- Central West: Anápolis (GO), Campo Grande (MS), Bataguassu (MS)
- Northeast: Jequié (BA), Salvador (BA), Aracaju (SE), Nossa Senhora do Socorro (SE), Capitão de Campos (PI), Maceió (AL), Dom Basílio (BA), Santaluz (BA), Irecê (BA )), Santa Inês (MA), Imperatriz (MA), Camaragibe (PE), Laguna Itaenga (PE), Tibaú do Sul (RN), Simão Dias (SE)
- North: Tomé-Açú (PA), Boa Vista (RR), Manaus (AM), Machadinho D’Oeste (RO), Laranjal do Jari (AP), Cruzeiro do Sul (AC), Palmas (TO)
- Southeast: Campinas (SP), Belo Horizonte (MG), Guaimbê (SP), São Fidélis (RJ), Ibatiba (ES), Taboão da Serra (SP), Guarujá (SP), Teresópolis (RJ), Ribeirão Bonito (SP) , Ilhabela (SP), Jaú (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Pirassununga (SP), Guarulhos (SP), Iacanga (SP), Angra dos Reis (RJ), Piracicaba (SP), Taiuva (SP), Marechal Floriano (ES), Serra (ES), Conselheiro Lafaiete (MG), Vespasiano (MG), Carapicuíba (SP), Arujá (SP), Ribeirão Preto (SP), São Vicente (SP), Santa Rosa de Viterbo (SP )), Roseira (SP)
- About him: Águas Mornas (SC), Bento Gonçalves (RS), Guaíba (RS), Capão da Canoa (RS), Curitiba (PR), Esteio (RS), Goioerê (PR), Içara (SC)
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