2020 Municipal Elections: The polls have a Bolsonaro elected and 68 ‘Bolsonaros’ defeated


  • Daniel gallas
  • BBC Brazil in London


Carlos Bolsonaro was elected councilor with fewer votes than in 2016

Councilor Carlos Bolsonaro (Republicans), son of the President of the Republic, was re-elected to his post in the Rio de Janeiro City Council this Sunday (11/15). It received 71,000 votes, a drop of more than 30% from the 106,000 votes it obtained. Carlos Bolsonaro also lost the most voted councilor position in Rio de Janeiro, which he had won in 2016, to Tarcisio Motta (Psol), elected with more than 86,000 votes.

But the president’s son was an exception among the candidates who were at the polls with his famous family name. A BBC News Brazil poll of candidates who competed under the name “Bolsonaro” shows that only Carlos was successful.

In total, 66 Bolsonaros candidates for councilor and two for mayor (Jaboticabal and Várzea Paulista, in SP) were defeated. There were also politicians who were prevented from using Bolsonaro’s name to run.
