Seven capitals elect mayors; another 18 will have second round | Choice in numbers


On Sunday (15), seven Brazilian capitals elected their mayors for the next four years. Another 18 capitals will have a second round in two weeks, on the 29th.

In total, 25 of the 26 Brazilian capitals voted for mayor. The federal capital, BrasiliaIt does not have a mayor; the elections in Macapa they were suspended due to the blackout in Amapá, and they still do not have a fixed date to occur.

  • Only one mayor of the capital loses the race in the first round; 6 are re-elected and 6 will run for the second round

The infographic shows capitals where mayors have already been elected (in green), where there will be a second round (in yellow) and where elections have been suspended (in red). – Photo: Aparecido Gonçalves / G1

See the capitals where mayors have already been elected:

  1. Belo Horizonte: the current mayor, Alexandre Kalil (PSD), was re-elected.
  2. Big field: the current mayor, Marquinhos Trad (PSD), was re-elected.
  3. Curitiba: the current mayor, Rafael Greca (DEM), was re-elected.
  4. Florianopolis: Gean Loureiro (DEM), current mayor, was re-elected.
  5. Native: Álvaro Dias (PSDB), current mayor, was re-elected.
  6. Palms: the current mayor, Cinthia Ribeiro (PSDB), was re-elected. The capital of Tocantins was the only one in the country with less than 200,000 voters and, therefore, could not have a second round.
  7. the Savior: Bruno Reis (DEM) was elected in the first round with around 64% of the votes.

See where there will be a second round:

  1. Aracaju: the current mayor, Edvaldo Nogueira (PDT), will contest the 2nd round with Danielle García (Citizenship).
  2. Belem: Edmilson Rodrigues (PSOL) and Delegado Eguchi (Patriota) will compete in the 2nd round.
  3. Good view: Arthur Henrique (MDB) and Ottaci (Solidaridad) will compete in the second round.
  4. Cuiaba: the current mayor, Emanuel Pinheiro (MDB), will contest the 2nd round with Abílio Júnior (Pode).
  5. Strength: Sarto Nogueira (PDT) and Capitão Wagner (Pros) will compete in the second round.
  6. Goiania: Maguito Vilela (MDB) and Vanderlan Cardoso (PSD) will compete in the 2nd round.
  7. João Pessoa: Cícero Lucena (Progresistas) and Nilvan Ferreira (MDB) will compete in the 2nd round.
  8. Maceio: there will be a second round, which is not yet defined.
  9. Manaus: Amazonino Mendes (Pode) will compete in the 2nd round with David Almeida (Avante).
  10. Porto Alegre: Sebastião Melo (MDB) and Manuela d’Ávila (PCdoB) will compete in the 2nd round. The current mayor, Nelson Marchezan Júnior, was ranked third in the vote and will not have a second term.
  11. old Port: the current mayor, Hildon Chaves (PSDB), will play the 2nd round with Cristiane Lopes (PP).
  12. Recife: João Campos (PSB) and Marília Arraes (PT) will compete in the 2nd round.
  13. White River: Socorro Neri (PSB), current mayor, will play the 2nd round with Tião Bocalom (PP).
  14. Rio de Janeiro: Marcelo Crivella (Republicans), current mayor, will contest the 2nd round with Eduardo Paes (DEM).
  15. Saint Louis: Eduardo Braide (Pode) and Duarte Júnior (Republicans) will compete in the 2nd round.
  16. Saint Paul: the current mayor, Bruno Covas (PSDB), will play the 2nd round with Guilherme Boulos (PSOL).
  17. Teresina: Dr. Pessoa (MDB) and Kleber Montezuma (PSDB) will compete in the second round.
  18. victory: Delegate Pazolini (Republicans) and João Coser (PT) will play the 2nd round.

VIDEOS: learn everything about the first round of the 2020 municipal elections:
