Axel Grael (PDT) is elected mayor of Niterói | Rio de Janeiro


Axel grael (PDT) was elected this Sunday (15) mayor of Niterói, in the Metropolitan Region of Rio. With 99.91% of the sections cleared, there were 62.58% of the votes.

Axel defeated Flávio Serafini (PSOL), who obtained 9.82% of the votes. Next, Allan Lyra (PTC) had 9.41%. The abstention rate was 28.03%.

Grael focused part of his proposals on what, for many years, has been pointed out by residents as the main problem in the city: traffic.

As a city with a high concentration of middle and upper middle class inhabitants, Niterói has many vehicles. Despite this, many of its roads are still old and narrow, which means that the municipality’s traffic is repressed for much of the day.

In one of his proposals, Grael promised to revitalize Alameda São Boaventura – one of the main exits of the North Zone, which connects with the Rio-Niterói Bridge and the state highways that connect the city with São Gonçalo.

In addition, as part of this program to revitalize the road, it undertook to create a bus terminal in Caramujo.
