Going from Boulos to the 2nd round in São Paulo signals advancement of the young left throughout the country


  • Mariana Schreiber
  • From Brasilia to BBC News Brazil


Guilherme Boulos, from PSOL, obtained 20% of the votes in São Paulo, reaching the second round

After the wave of the right that swept Brazil in 2016 and 2018, the first round of municipal election 2020 was the stage for some young leaders, under 40, to emerge in the field of the left.

Leading this phenomenon, the PSOL mayoral candidate in São Paulo, Guilherme Boulos, 38, reached 20% of the votes and will run for the second round with the current governor of the city, Bruno Covas (PSDB), who added 32%.

Results of the 2020 municipal elections. Click here

With a long history in the militancy for popular housing and the national projection achieved as the PSOL candidate for the Presidency in 2018, Boulos managed to add the majority of the left-wing votes in the capital of São Paulo, a space that for decades was occupied by the PT – the PT candidate, Jilmar Tatto, obtained just 8.55% of the votes, behind the third place, the former governor of São Paulo, Márcio França (PSB), who had 13.65%, and Arthur do Val (Patriot), with 9.78%.

Another young candidate from the left that benefited from the projection achieved two years ago was Manuela D’Ávila (PCdoB), who in the Porto Alegre dispute obtained 29% of the votes and will contest the second round with Sebastião Melo ( MDB), who had 31%.
