The percentage of valid votes of each candidate corresponds to the proportion of the candidate’s votes over the total votes, excluding white, invalid and undecided votes. A candidate is elected in the 1st round if he obtains 50% plus one of the valid votes in the official count.
In relation to the previous Datafolha survey, published on November 11:
- Eduardo Paes went from 41% to 40%
- Crivella went from 17% to 18%
- Martha Rocha went from 14% to 13%
- Benedita da Silva stayed at 10%
- Luiz Lima went from 5% to 6%
- Renata souza stayed at 5%
- Paulo messina went from 2% to 3%
- Mello Flag went from 3% to 2%
- Clarissa garotinho stayed at 1%
- Fred light stayed at 1%
- Gloria Heloiza stayed at 1%
- Cyro garcia stayed at 0%
- Suêd Haidar stayed at 0%
- Henrique simonard stayed at 0%
- Eduardo Paes (DEM): 33%
- Crivella (Republicans): 15%
- Martha Rocha (PDT): 11%
- Benedita da Silva (PT): 9%
- Luiz Lima (PSL): 5%
- Renata Souza (PSOL): 4%
- Paulo Messina (MDB): 3%
- Flag of Mello (Rede): 2%
- Clarissa Garotinho (Pros): 1%
- Fred Luz (new): 1%
- Gloria Heloiza (PSC): 1%
- Cyro García (PSTU): 0%
- Suêd Haidar (PMB): 0%
- None / blank / null: 13%
- Don’t know / No answer: 3%
Henrique Simonard (PCO) was not mentioned.
According to the survey, Paes gets the biggest advantages among Spiritists / Kardecists (54%, compared to 17% for Martha, 10% for Benedita and 5% for Crivella); among those over 60 (46%, compared to 17% for Crivella, 14% for Martha and 8% for Benedita); among those with primary education (48%, against 20% for Crivella, 12% for Benedita and 7% for Martha); among those with a monthly household income of more than 2 to 5 times the minimum wage (42%, against 17% for Crivella, 12% for Martha and 10% for Benedita).
Second shift simulations
Datafolha also simulated three second-round scenarios. See the numbers:
- Eduardo Paes 57% x 22% Crivella (blank / null: 20%; don’t know: 1%)
- Eduardo Paes 46% x 33% Martha Rocha (blank / null: 19%; don’t know: 2%)
- Eduardo Paes 49% x 26% Benedita da Silva (blank / null: 24%; don’t know: 1%)
The survey also asked whom voters would not vote for at all. The percentages were as follows:
- Crivella: 62%
- Eduardo Paes: 32%
- Clarissa garotinho: 28%
- Benedita da Silva: 28%
- Delegate Martha Rocha: sixteen%
- Cyro garcia: 13%
- Luiz Lima: eleven%
- Paulo messina: 8%
- Mello Flag: 8%
- Gloria Heloiza: 8%
- Renata souza: 7%
- Fred light: 7%
- Suêd Haidar: 7%
- Henrique simonard: 6%
- Reject all / would not vote for none: 3%
- Don’t know / didn’t answer: 1%
- I could vote for everyone: 2%
Datafolha also addressed spontaneous voting intention, when the voter says who he will vote for without the names of the candidates being presented. See the results:
- Eduardo Paes: 26%
- Crivella: 12%
- Martha Rocha: 9%
- Benedita da Silva: 5%
- Luiz lima: 3%
- Renata souza: 2%
- Mello Flag: 1%
- Paulo messina: 1%
- Fred Luz: 0%
- Others: 4%
- White / null / none: 13%
- Don’t know / didn’t answer: 23%
The survey was commissioned by TV Globo and by the newspaper “Folha de S.Paulo”.
- Margin of error: 2 percentage points more or less
- Who was heard: 1,875 voters in the city of Rio de Janeiro
- When the survey was conducted: November 13-14
- Identification number in the Electoral Tribunal: RJ-08430/2020
- The confidence level used is 95%. This means that there is a 95% probability that the results reflect the current electoral moment, considering the margin of error.
See who are the candidates for mayor of Rio in the 2020 elections