Businessman Pedro Ribeiro, 37, suffered a unicycle accident on Saturday afternoon (7) in Marginal Pinheiros, West Zone of the city of São Paulo, which took him to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a hospital . Passengers in a car, who interacted with him moments before the accident, filmed the accident with a cell phone camera, and the images went viral.
The video shows Pedro speeding along the side of the Marginal Pinheiros express lane, holding a bottle of drink and dancing on the unicycle, which was carrying a loudspeaker.
“There’s even a loudspeaker, man!” Said the girl recording the footage. “It is over 60 km / h at the moment. Almost 70 km / h at the moment,” adds the voice of a child in the car. Pedro watches and plays with the young people, dancing on the unicycle. “Young man, for God’s sake, man!” Says the young woman, incredulous about the speed of the unicycle. Then, at the height of Villa-Lobos Park, film the steep fall and hear the shrapnel from the bottle on the floor.
“It was really serious. I dropped the bottle and tried to protect my head with my hands, but it fell to the ground and came back, and I kept scratching my arms with the asphalt. In addition to the extensive grids on my arms, which I’m dealing with, I broke my nose and I had a slight trauma to my head, “said Pedro Ribeiro to the G1, at home, after two days of observation in the ICU of the São Camilo Hospital, in Santana, in the North Zone of the capital.
Pedro spoke to the report on Friday (13), still quite scared by the accident, upset by the concern it caused the family.
“The doctor said that I was very lucky. Basically God put his hand in front of me and said, ‘this is not your time. In fact, I’ve heard from friends that I died in a certain way and I’m different. I am very concerned Great now to be grateful, to help in some way. If I can make a person learn from my mistake and use the equipment and the vehicle as it should, it will be a victory. I want to turn this horrible episode into something good. I’m sorry, but I’m excited because it’s still very intense for me, ”Pedro told the report.
Pedro Ribeiro, shortly before the fall on the asphalt of the Marginal Pinheiros express lane – Photo: Personal Archive
Pedro bought his first unicycle a year and four months ago and became a fan of the vehicle, counting almost 20 thousand kilometers traveled during this period. She is a part of discussion groups about the modal, which has cut her travel time considerably, and she has her own page, which she now wants to use to share content on usage and safety tips.
Marginal’s accident was by far the most serious he has suffered, due to technical problems, but also mistakes that he himself claims to have made.
“I use speed alarms on the unicycle, which warn me when I am going 55 km / h. That day, these alarms were disconnected due to a technical fault, which I only noticed after the accident, and which prevented me from knowing exactly at what speed Yes. The power of the unicycle was exceeded and the engine lost stability, ”said Pedro Ribeiro.
“Other than that, the GPS threw me into Marginal Pinheiros, which is not a road that I’m used to, and I should have realized that and not got in the way. At the time of recording the video, I was even trying to get out. from him. the issue of the lack of safety equipment, which is absolutely essential and which I always use, as seen in all the photos that appear on my Instagram. Apart from that, the glass bottle in hand. It was a sequence of errors that led to this accident ”, he assessed.
Brazil still does not have specific regulations for the use of the unicycle, nor inspection, so its users try to behave with it with the same rules that apply to bicycles.
Pedro said that he does not use the unicycle on bike lanes because he considers it dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists, and that in the lanes on the right he also lives with the problems of uneven asphalt due to the use of buses, so it is always important to analyze the route more suitable.