The most popular election for councilor has 40.7 candidates per seat; least disputed have 1.1 | Choice in numbers


The most popular councilor election this year will be in Nova Iguaçu (RJ), which has a ratio of 40.7 candidates per vacancy. The least disputed will be in Curral Novo do Piauí (PI) and Viçosa (RN), with only 1.1 candidates for each vacancy.

In total, there will be 501,799 councilman candidates competing for 58,208 vacancies. It is a list of 8.6 candidates per vacancy. The survey considers only those competitors considered suitable by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE).

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The amount does not mean democratization, according to political scientist Vitor Peixoto. “Proportional elections are like street marathons. A crowd of amateur runners and a small elite of the sport. When we look at São Silvestre, it seems that everyone is there with the possibility of running, but only a small elite will reach the end.”

Most disputed city councils in 2020 – Photo: Aparecido Gonçalves / G1

In Nova Iguaçu, in Baixada Fluminense, there will be 448 candidates for 11 vacancies in the City Council.

The Metropolitan Region of Rio has 4 of the 10 most contested elections for councilor. Complete the list: São Gonçalo, with 39.4 candidates per vacancy; Japeri, with 35; and the capital, with 34.1.

Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte and Rio Grande do Sul dominate the list of the 10 least competitive elections. Each state has three cities on the list.

In Curral Novo do Piauí (PI) and Viçosa (RN), the electoral race will have the unusual situation in which only one candidate will lose. That is because there will be 10 competitors for 9 places.

Town councils less disputed in 2020 – Photo: Aparecido Gonçalves / G1

Most city councils have the minimum number of councilors: 9. This is because vacancies are limited by the size of the population and most Brazilian municipalities have between 10,000 and 20,000 inhabitants.

Vacancies in city councils by city – Photo: Aparecido Gonçalves / G1

As the most populous city, São Paulo has the highest number of councilors. There will be 55 vacancies in dispute this year. Rio comes next, at 51.

The largest municipalities in Brazil – Photo: Aparecido Gonçalves / G1

The large number and variety of candidates does not mean a greater democratization of the elections, says Professor Vitor Peixoto from the State University of the North Fluminense. This is because campaign resources and votes are still highly concentrated, explains the political scientist.

“The enormous economic inequality of Brazilian society is reproduced in the electoral arena. Many candidates with few votes and an elite that really disputes the vacancies,” says the expert.

“There is a false idea of ​​democratization in the contest for councilwoman because it is very inclusive and has many participants from different social divisions (class, gender, color, religion, regions, soccer fans, etc.), but it hides the extremely concentrate of disputes “. , he explains. “From 80% to 90% of the candidates will not be able to overcome the individual barrier of 10% of the electoral quotient to assume a vacancy. That is, they will be subcompetitive.

According to Vitor Peixoto, the large number of candidates is even detrimental to the voter, since it increases the cost of obtaining information about each one. Also, since parties have very large candidate lists, the vote may go to a candidate who is not in the voter’s interest.

“The number is very excessive. In the long term, I believe that this (reduction) will occur, with the reduction of the parties, from the end of the electoral coalition. The tendency is to decrease, so that we have the cognitive capacity to make the decision”. in front of so many candidates. We don’t know which candidates are on the party list. ”

VIDEOS: see how the elections work

