Datafolha: In Fortaleza, PT falls and candidates of Ciro and Bolsonaro share leadership


BRASILIA – The Datafolha poll released this Wednesday night indicates that a second round by the city of Fortaleza (CE) between the candidate of the Gomes brothers, Sarto (PDT), and that of President Jair Bolsonaro, Captain Wagner ( Pros), is each more likely, as long as PT candidate Luizianne Lins is on a downward path. The survey was commissioned by the newspaper O Povo.

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According to the poll, Wagner, the most voted federal deputy in the state in 2018, ranks first numerically, with 30% of the vote. Next comes Sarto, who is president of the Legislative Assembly of Ceará (ALCE), with 27%. Considering the margin of error, of three percentage points, the two are tied.

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Former city mayor Luizianne Lins appears with 15% in the poll published today. Since Datafolha polls began in the city on Oct. 14, the PT has dropped nine percentage points. In relation to the last survey, on November 4, it fluctuated negatively within the margin of error, going from 18% to 15%.

Faced with the investigation, Wagner has the support of Senator Eduardo Girão (Pode-CE), one of the main articulators of the campaign in Fortaleza, as well as President Jair Bolsonaro. In the last municipal elections he reached the second round, but was defeated by Roberto Cláudio by a difference of 7.2 percentage points: 53.6% against 46.4%.

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Following the deputy, Sarto has the support of the brothers Cid and Ciro Gomes (PDT), in addition to the current mayor of the city, Roberto Cláudio (PDT), whose management is well valued for his strengths. The alliance of big names in local politics helped the president of the state Legislative Assembly to be better known among city residents: from the first poll, Sarto went from 15 points to 27 points.

Third, Luizianne Lins was mayor of the city between 2005 and 2013, during the governments of Lula and Dilma. He tried to return to power in 2016, but did not make it to the second round. In this year’s contest, he has the support of former President Lula, who recorded a video for his campaign. The state governor, Camilo Santana (PT), for his part, has not actively participated in the campaign, as he is affiliated with the PT, but is also close to the Gomes brothers.
