The Datafolha poll published on Wednesday (11) indicates the following percentages of voting intentions for the Belo Horizonte City Council in the 2020 elections:
Fabiano Cazeca (Pros) was not mentioned.
Datafolha in Belo Horizonte: Alexandre Kalil, 63%; João Xavier, 8%; Áurea Carolina, 5%
According to Datafolha, Kalil leads in all sociodemographic segments and his voting intention is homogeneous across segments.
In relation to the previous Datafolha survey, released on November 5:
- Kalil (PSD) went from 65% to 63%
- João Vitor Xavier (Citizenship) went from 7% to 8%
- Áurea Carolina (Psol) went from 5% to 6%
- Bruno Engler (PRTB) from 4% to 4%
- 2% Nilmário Miranda (PT) was 2%
- Rodrigo Paiva (Nuevo) went from 1% to 2%
- Luisa Barreto (PSDB) of 1% stood at 1%
- Professor Wendel Mesquita (Solidarity) 1% was 1%
- 1% Lafayette Andrada (Republicans) was 1%
- Marília Domingues (PCO) went from 0% to 1%
- Cabo Xavier (PMB) went from 1% to 0%
- Marcelo Souza e Silva (Patriota) went from 1% to 0%
- 0% Wadson Ribeiro (PCdoB) was 0%
- 0% Wanderson Rocha (PSTU) was 0%
- Fabiano Cazeca (PROS) of 0% was not mentioned
- None / blank / null was 8% to 6%
- Don’t know / Did not answer 4% stayed at 4%
The poll also asked who voters would not vote for at all. The percentages were as follows:
- Nilmário Miranda (PT) – 32%
- João Vitor Xavier (Citizenship) – 26%
- Corporal Xavier (PMB) – 23%
- Lafayette Andrada (Republicans) – 22%
- Bruno Engler (PRTB) – 17%
- Rodrigo Paiva (new) – 17%
- Luisa Barreto (PSDB) – 17%
- Áurea Carolina (Psol) – 16%
- Marília Domingues (PCO) – 15%
- Fabiano Cazeca (Pros) – 14%
- Marcelo Souza e Silva (Patriot) – 14%
- Kalil (PSD) – 14%
- Professor Wendel (Solidarity) – 13%
- Wanderson Rocha (PSTU) – 13%
- Wadson Ribeiro (PCdoB) – 12%
- Would not vote for any of the candidates – 2%
- I would vote for anyone / reject none – 4%
- I don’t know – 14%
Respondents could indicate more than one answer, so the sum of the mentioned factors is more than 100%.
Regarding your vote, would you say that:
- You are fully determined: 73%
- The vote can still change: 26%
- I don’t know: 1%
Datafolha also addressed spontaneous voting intentions, where the voter says who they will vote for without the names of the candidates being presented. See the results:
- Kalil (PSD): 55%
- João Vitor Xavier (Citizenship): 5%
- Áurea Carolina (Psol): 5%
- Bruno Engler (PRTB): 3%
- Nilmário Miranda (PT): 1%
- Rodrigo Paiva (new): 1%
- Others: 5%
- Do not vote / do not vote / justify: 0%
- Blank / null / none: 5%
- I don’t know: 20%
The percentage of valid votes for each candidate corresponds to the proportion of the candidate’s votes over the total votes, excluding white, invalid and undecided votes. A candidate is elected in the 1st round if he obtains 50% plus one of the valid votes in the official count.
- Kalil (PSD): 71%
- João Vitor Xavier (Citizenship): 9%
- Áurea Carolina (PSOL): 7%
- Bruno Engler (PRTB): 4%
- Rodrigo Paiva (new): 2%
- Nilmário Miranda (PT): 2%
- Luisa Barreto (PSDB): 2%
- Professor Wendel Mesquita (Solidarity): 1%
- Marília Domingues (PCO): 1%
- Lafayette Andrada (Republicans): 1%
- Cape Xavier (PMB): 0%
- Wanderson Rocha (PSTU): 0%
- Marcelo Souza e Silva (Patriot): 0%
- Wadson Ribeiro (PCdoB): 0%
- Fabiano Cazeca (PROS): not mentioned
The survey was commissioned by TV Globo and the newspaper “Folha de S.Paulo”.
- Margin of error: 3 percentage points more or less
- Who was heard: 1,036 voters in the city of Belo Horizonte.
- When the survey was conducted: November 9-10.
- Identification number in the Electoral Tribunal: MG-06358/2020
- Research contractors: TV Globo and Folha de S.Paulo
- The confidence level used is 95%. This means that there is a 95% probability that the results reflect the current electoral moment, considering the margin of error.
Electoral polls: what is a sample, margin of error and level of confidence