The 33-year-old micro-entrepreneur José Maria da Costa Júnior, the main suspect of having murdered the cyclist Marina Kohler Harkot, 28, at dawn on Sunday (8), in Pinheiros, west of São Paulo, surrendered this afternoon to the police, at the police station in the same neighborhood, accompanied by lawyers.
Four people accompanied him upon his arrival at the 14th DP (Police District), around 3:30 pm. It is not known how many of them were lawyers or relatives.
The preventive detention had been requested by the Civil Police at the end of the morning, but there is a legal obstacle: being a week of elections, in theory, arrests can only be made on the spot.
No voter can be arrested or detained today until 48 hours after the end of the first round of voting, next Sunday (15). That is, if the micro-entrepreneur had given up shortly after hitting the cyclist or yesterday, he could be arrested now.
For the Civil Police, the suspect risked killing the cyclist by not providing help. Marina could not resist her injuries after being beaten at the intersection between Avenida Paulo VI and Rua João Moura. An off-duty military police officer passed the car data to police: a silver Hyndai Tucson with the license plate of the City of Inconfidents (MG).
One of the hypotheses suggested by the Civil Police is that he was drunk at the time of the crash. The report was unable to locate the suspect’s defense. If submitted, your position will be included in this report.
In addition to the micro-entrepreneur, the Civil Police are also looking for a woman who was seen with the driver on Sunday night. For the police, it can provide information about the drunk state of the driver and the dynamics of what he intended to do after the crime.
Suspicious location
The Civil Police managed to locate the car and the address of the owner of the car. The suspect hastily left his residence after the case.
According to the 14th PD (Police District) of Pinheiros, the vehicle was located last night near the apartment where the owner of the car lives, on Rua Cesário Mota Júnior, in Vila Buarque, in the Mackenzie University region. , city center.

Car that would have been used in the cyclist’s death
Image: Luís Adorno / UOL
Agents found a Hyundai Tucson, with the same characteristics as the one used in the crime, detained in a parking lot, says a report from the officers of Cerco (Specialized Center for the Repression of Crimes and Various Events), of the 3rd Sectional Police Station, to which the report.
The car was parked with the damaged front facing a wall, in an attempt, according to the civil police, to hide the parts that were broken in the hit-and-run. The front window of the car is cracked on the right side.
In possession of information about the owner of the vehicle, delivered by those responsible for the parking lot, the police went to the building where the suspect lives and obtained authorization from the doorman to go up.
When they arrived at the boy’s apartment, the front door was ajar and with apparent signs of theft. “The furniture and items were untidy and with signs of sudden neglect,” police said. On the table in the room was a plastic bag of marijuana, which was seized and presented to the Police District.
The SSP stated this morning, by note, that the 14th DP agents “located the vehicle, which was investigated, and analyzed images from security cameras.”
An activist of the cycle for at least eight years, Marina was a social scientist at USP (University of São Paulo), a feminist activist and a researcher on urban mobility. In 2018, she completed a master’s degree from the FAU-USP (USP School of Architecture and Urbanism) with the thesis titled “The bicycle and women: active mobility, gender and socio-territorial inequalities in São Paulo”.
Marina was a collaborative researcher at LabCidade (Laboratories for Public Space and Right to the City), linked to FAU. She was doing doctoral research, also at FAU, in which she studied socio-territorial segregation based on gender, race and sexuality approaches.