VIDEO: Find out who is the witness who first confirmed the cracking scheme | Fantastic


The complaint reveals evidence of an investigation that lasted more than two years on the “crackers” in the Legislative Assembly of Rio (Alerj). In the scheme, Alerj employees returned part of their salaries to a group allegedly led by Flávio.

You will learn unpublished details of a testimony that was decisive in supporting the accusation. See the report by Ben Hur Correia and Arthur Guimarães.

In the video report, you will see:

  • Why Flávio Bolsonaro can become a defendant in the case;
  • Who is Luiza Souza Paes, one of the suspects who decided to help the Public Ministry, and her father’s connection with Fabrício Queiroz;
  • The MP’s complaint, with a data survey to verify that, in addition to Luiza, other 11 advisers linked to Flávio Bolsonaro transferred a good part of the salaries they received from the Rio Assembly to Fabrício Queiroz;
  • The organization of the scheme – with the division between “executive nucleus”, “operational nucleus” and “political nucleus”;
  • The financial movement of the scheme: about R $ 6 million in 11 years;
  • Bank records of Flávio Bolsonaro and his wife, Fernanda, without withdrawals in 2014;
  • Heat map records showing that several Flávio Bolsonaro advisers in Alerj rarely attended the meeting;
  • The exchange of messages between Luiza and her father, when the first investigations arose.

Who is one of the suspects who decided to help the Public Ministry with evidence against Flávio Bolsonaro and the group that acted, according to the MP, to embezzle money from Alerj? Her name is Luiza Souza Paes.

At just 20 years old, in 2011, she was appointed a parliamentary adviser in the office of then-state deputy Flávio Bolsonaro. She was a neighbor of Fabrício Queiroz, designated as the financial operator of the scheme, in the Oswaldo Cruz neighborhood, a suburb of Rio de Janeiro.

Furthermore, according to the MP, Fabrício Queiroz played football with Luiza’s father in an amateur team, “Tell me I’m tired.” Luiza’s father was even honored by Flávio Bolsonaro in Alerj. But Luiza did not stay long in Flávio Bolsonaro’s office.

Eight months after the appointment, she was transferred to another sector within the assembly, on “TV Alerj”, which broadcasts the house sessions. But the department in which he spent the most time was the plans and budget department, linked to the presidency of the Rio de Janeiro legislature, from where he continued to spend most of the monthly salary to Queiroz, according to the complaint.

Also according to the MP, Luiza was one of the members who transferred the most resources: R $ 155 thousand. Of his salaries, which reached R $ 4 thousand, he kept a maximum of R $ 800. This happened during five years of work. I mean, of course work.

Luiza was a ghost worker. I was not the only one. What the Public Ministry presented in the complaint was a data survey to verify that, in addition to Luiza, other 11 advisers linked to Flávio Bolsonaro transferred a large part of the salaries they earned in the Rio assembly to Fabrício Queiroz.

These advisers would form part of the “executive nucleus” of the plan. The base that structured the entire financial movement of what the Public Ministry called a criminal organization through these transfers, often made with cash.

The amounts rose to what the researchers called the “operational nucleus”, where Fabrício Queiroz was, who handled the money; and Miguel Ângelo Braga Grillo, Flávio’s chief of staff from the Legislative Assembly, and who remains with him in the Senate, responsible for managing the advisers. Only later, according to the complaint, did the resources reach Flávio Bolsonaro, whom the parliamentarian considers the “political nucleus.”

To avoid leaving traces, Luiza and the other members of the organization withdrew the money and then made deposits in small amounts, so they would not need to identify themselves at the time of transfer.

According to a complaint from the Public Ministry, the scheme moved R $ 6 million in 11 years. Also according to the MP, Flávio and his wife, Fernanda, used cash to pay employees, plane tickets, pay bills and even buy apartments.

In 2011, the couple moved to the city of Natal (RN). They paid more than R $ 2,000 in cash to the airline.

According to the complaint, they spent almost R $ 1 million more than what they received between 2010 and 2014. The Public Ministry says that, to try to lose the authorities, a large part of the money did not enter the couple’s accounts.

The deputy also says that Flávio Bolsonaro, despite leading a comfortable life, spent less than R $ 200 on credit cards per month, on average. Almost everything was paid for in cash.

To prove that Luiza and those involved in the scheme were ghost employees, the MP collected data from their cell phones. Through a heat map, which tracks the points where cell phones are most used, they identified that several advisers to Flávio Bolsonaro in Alerj rarely attended the assembly. Some went years without appearing there.

The complaint indicates that on the cell phone of the former counselor Luiza there were exchanges of messages with her father when the first investigations began to appear in the newspapers.

December 7, 2018 – Father: Wow! Did you see any part of Jornal Hoje this afternoon? He hit that Queiroz thing directly (…) That’s right, his picture on the newspaper screen today. Now it went wrong!

Upon learning that she was also the object of the investigations, the MP reports, Luiza asked her father what to do with the deposit vouchers that were made to Fabrício Queiroz, and talked about meetings with Queiroz’s lawyer and also with the lawyer for Flávio Bolsonaro. Luis Gustavo Botto Maia.

Botto Maia was also an official of the Rio Assembly in the office of another deputy and, according to the Public Ministry, he worked together with Queiroz guiding several involved in the “cracked” scheme, so that they did not attend the statements and agreed on the versions that would be told to the authorities. .

The complaint reveals that, in messages on Luiza’s cell phone, her father expresses concern about his daughter’s situation:

December 26, 2018 – Father: As long as he gets you out of this and forgets it once and we can live our lives normally, he can make up his stories there.

Days later, Luiza was called by an employee of the Alerj presidency to attend the Assembly and complete the timesheet, which she says she never signed:

January 21, 2019 – Luiza: Hello Dad. (…) It seems that some point is missing that is not signed. I just don’t remember signing a point, you understand?

Luiza’s father told his daughter not to go to Alerj:

January 21, 2019 – Father: They want to get a “loofah” that is to see if it will digest something.

When analyzing Luiza’s telephone records, the Public Ministry found that between December 2014 and February 2017, when she was a civil servant in the Legislative Assembly, Luiza only went 3 times.

The next visit was on January 24, 2019, when, according to the complaint, he appeared at Queiroz’s request to complete the 2017 attendance sheets, which were blank. There, he was allegedly instructed to defraud the documents in an attempt to evade investigations into ghost employees in the “crackers” scheme.

But, as the complaint reports, the investigations advanced and, in April of last year, Luiza and 94 other people linked to Flávio Bolsonaro had their bank secrecy broken with the authorization of Justice.

May 14, 2019 – Luiza: Have you seen the news? They broke banking secrecy for many people. Probably mine too.

May 14, 2019 – Father: I’ve seen it and it ruined my day.

Luiza then decided to collaborate with the Public Ministry and give testimony, telling everything she knew about the “crackers” scheme. The MP formally presented the case to Justice.

The document contains evidence gathered over two years of investigations and that, according to the Public Ministry, shows the embezzlement of money, the existence of ghost employees and a series of other elements that point to Flávio Bolsonaro as the alleged head of a criminal organization within the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro.

In addition to him, Fabrício Queiroz and former adviser Luiza, 14 other people are the subject of the complaint. Among them, the wife and mother of former Prime Minister Adriano da Nóbrega, accused of commanding an extermination group and being linked to the Rio militia, killed in a police operation in Bahia in February 2020.

In the complaint Adriano is named as a member of the alleged criminal organization, who allegedly made transfers that would reach R $ 400,000 to Queiroz.

If accepted by the courts, everyone will become a defendant and may face the crimes of money laundering, criminal organization and embezzlement, which is the embezzlement of public money. Penalties can go up to 12 years in prison.

Flávio Bolsonaro, who at the time of the crimes was a state deputy, is now a senator of the Republic. In addition to the penalties for crimes, the MP also asks that at the end of the process the senator lose his position. He also asked for the apartment where he lives in Rio de Janeiro, which would have been bought with illegal money, and the payment of R $ 6.1 million for the money diverted from the public coffers.

OR Fantastic sought out those named in the report. In a statement, the defense counsel for former counsel Luiza Souza Paes said that it has not yet been notified of the complaint and will not comment on the case.

Fabrício Queiroz’s defense said that the accusations do not correspond to the truth and that his innocence will be duly proven.

The defense of Miguel Ângelo Braga Grillo, Fernanda Bolsonaro and Senator Flavio Bolsonaro said that the complaint is nothing more than a macabre and poorly designed chronicle, and that it will be manifested in the courts as soon as it is notified.

The Legislative Assembly of Rio said in a note that the responsibility for the assistance of the office staff rests with the deputies; that the presidency of the house is not aware of the possible cracking practice involving Luiza Paes and Fabrício Queiroz; and who is collaborating with the investigations.

OR Fantastic He was unable to contact the defenders of Luís Gustavo Botto Maia, Danielle Mendonça – Adriano da Nóbrega’s wife when he worked at Alerj – and Raimunda Veras Magalhães, Adriano’s mother.

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