Leven Siano, presidential candidate for the “Somamos” ballot, and current president Alexandre Campello, who is seeking to be re-elected for “No Rumo Certo”, had a tough discussion in the final stretch of the election, which occurred today (7), and they were separated by partisans.
In his talk, Leven made phrases such as “they lost the elections and they are appealing”, “if you are a man, open the polls and count the votes” and “you were in fourth place, machine in hand. Shame.” . Campello responded with “You’re repressed” and “You want the stage.”
Leader of the “Somamos” ballot, Leven was referring to the fact that “No Rumo Certo” – as well as “Semper Vasco” and “Mais Vasco” – took the candidacy after the resumption of voting.
The election among Maltese was suspended due to a decision of the High Court of Justice (STJ), issued already in the evening, with the election underway. Shortly after, the voting stopped, which rebelled Leven Siano, who was in the lead according to the mouths of the polls. At times, he even said he would drop out of the presidential race if a new date was set.
After some discussion, the board decided to resume voting, allowing members to cast their ballots until 10 pm, as previously scheduled.
Contrary to the decision, “Semper Vasco” announced that it would stop taking part in the elections and even withdrew the ballots. Minutes later, claiming that the election had been demobilized and, even, there was a member entering without the mandatory sticker, “Mais Vasco” and “No Rumo Certo” were also abandoned.
In light of the legal dispute, the ballot boxes will be sealed and votes will not be counted until a decision is made.