After disconnecting from Rádio Jovem Pan, Record, Rádio Guaíba and Correio do Povo, Rodrigo Constantino maintained his relationship with the daily Gazeta do Povo.
The vehicle said that it was analyzing the journalist’s position and that, in his column, he better explained what Rodrigo wanted to say.
Rodrigo Constantino explains more clearly and objectively what he wanted and what he did not mean. This does not prevent us from considering that its initial statements were regrettable and regrettable, formulated inopportune and imprecise, giving rise to doubts that should be clarified. It is understandable, therefore, part of the discomfort and shame that aroused many people, “says the statement.
The newspaper also endorsed Rodrigo’s text, stating that the points were clarified.
“In his column this Thursday, however, he said that he never intended to analyze any specific situation and reinforced the need for Mariana’s case to be investigated and for justice to be done. He said that he even thinks the penalties for rape are soft in our country, “he added.
Finally, the newspaper understood that Rodrigo did not exceed the ethical limit of the publication and decided to retain it.
Although we do not agree with the form of many of their positions and with many of their opinions, we continue to believe in the importance of diversity of ideas and in the importance of dialogue for the construction of a better society and an increasingly mature democracy. For this reason, after various considerations and analysis, we decided to keep Rodrigo Constantino in our column of columnists ”, he concludes.
Revolt of colleagues
The position did not please the journalists of the newspaper office. According to the letter obtained by the TwitterThe officials yesterday signed a text of repudiation.
The manifesto was addressed to the newspaper’s management, the family of the brothers Guilherme Cunha Pereira and Ana Amélia Filizola and the communication group GRPCOM.
“The undersigned collaborators of the Gazeta do Povo received the comment with discomfort and saw in the episode a violation of the convictions of the newspaper,” reports the beginning of the letter.
He also quotes excerpts from Constantine’s column and asks the newspaper for further clarification.
Therefore, we would like more transparency from management regarding the issue and its possible consequences. The Gazeta do Povo columnist, in his text, blames the victims for the violence suffered. There is no ‘running the risk of being raped’. a situation of oppression over women, which does not consider progress in society’s understanding that rape is not only the violent sexual act, but also what goes beyond consent, ”he criticizes.
The letter from the employees still classifies the journalist’s text as misogynistic.
“Constantine accuses the victim of” responsibility “and condemns the” trivialization “of the use of the term rape, but dismisses the victim’s word and ignores the fact that sexual violence takes many forms other than a consummate act. Worse: it spreads this distorted interpretation, damaging the essential debate. Misogyny permeates the entire construction of the text, in addition to implying an assessment of what type of woman is at risk, “he says.
The statement said that it was frustrating to share the workspace with Constantino because of the situation and that he disrespected not only women, but also the newspaper’s editorial line, which has a “book of convictions” released in 2017.
Gazeta do Povo collaborators find it extremely frustrating to share space with these types of statements, which are not accompanied by an apology.
“Gazeta do Povo wants to provide an environment where women feel safe to carry out their work or, on the contrary, an environment in which machismo and moral, verbal and, eventually, physical violence, is seen as tolerated by management “In this scenario, the collaborators understand that there is an incentive to harassment, to the culture of judging the victim and discouraging complaints. As a result, there is a loss of respect and commitment to the values and ideals of the group”, he concludes, demanding more firmness in the decision.
The resignations of the others came after the comments he made about the case of Mariana Ferrer, who was a victim of rape and saw the accused of the crime clear.
Constantino said that if the same happened to his daughter, she would be punished and he would not report the attacker to the police.
The commentator came to speak after being fired from the Record staff. In a post on his Twitter, he criticized the pressure – what he called “fascist tactics” – and said Record’s commercial department was “asking for a start.”