Bolsonaro names the rector who was last on the triple list


Once again President Jair Bolsonaro (without a party) nominated a rector for a name that was not the most voted in a federal university. This had already happened in other states. And now it is repeated at the UFPB (Federal University of Paraíba). The nominee was Valdiney Veloso, who was the least voted on the triple list.

The decision was published today in the Official Gazette of the Federation, according to the text, Veloso will assume office next Wednesday 11.

The new rector shared the ticket with Liana Filgueira Albuquerque. They will remain in the direction of the UFPB rectory until 2024.

The Constitution establishes that the President of the Republic chooses the name of who will occupy the position of rector in all federal universities. But historically, there is a preference for nominating the most voted on the triple lists.

Bolsonaro recently appointed less-voted deans at federal universities in the Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM), Recôncavo Baiano (UFRB), Jequitinhonha Valley (UFVJM), Ceará (UFC), Fronteira Sul (UFFS) and Espírito Santo (UFES), for example.

Who is Valdiney Veloso

Professor Valdiney Veloso graduated in Psychology from Unipê (Federal University of Paraíba and Law) and is a professor in this area at the UFPB. He is also a specialist in psychometrics, with a master’s and doctorate in Social Psychology.
