Average emergency help CONFIRMED in the amount of R $ 894; Understand


The amount of emergency aid reached fewer households. However, the average amount received did not decrease in the same proportion. According to data from the monthly National Survey of Covid Household Samples (Pnad Covid-19), published by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the benefit was paid to 29.9 million households in September, compared to 30, 1 million in August.

The proportion of households that received some help related to the pandemic decreased from 43.9% in August to 43.6% in September.

“As for the proportion of households, it can also be a sample variation, for us it is the same (statistically)”, said the coordinator of Work and Income of IBGE, María Lucía Vieira.

In the survey, the aid surveyed does not take into account only emergency aid. In addition to the benefit, the survey includes the Emergency Employment and Income Maintenance Program, which helped explain the incidence of receiving benefits among higher-income households.

“We don’t just have help here. Most of them are aid, but it’s not just him, ”said María Lucía. “I have here the first week of collection, also the second. It may be that they had not actually received the amount of R $ 300 in September. But I don’t have this indicator per week ”, he justified.

In the North Region, 59.8% of households received some type of aid, while this participation was 58.8% in the Northeast.

See how many installments you will receive in the extension of the aid

The extra fees of emergency aid worth R $ 300 They are valid only for beneficiaries who already receive the R $ 600 benefit. However, the number of installments depends on when the worker, who is not part of Bolsa Família, began to receive the benefit in the initial amount.

New installments in the amount of R $ 300 begin to be paid only after the completion of the five initial installments of R $ 600. No new registrations will be made, therefore, only those that have been approved for installments of R $ 600 will be able to receive the extra fees.

The total amount of fees to which the citizen will be entitled will depend on when she began to receive the aid. The maximum is nine installments, the first five of R $ 600 and the last four of R $ 300.

  • Who received the first delivery in April: 9 pitches
  • Who received the first delivery in May: 8 installments
  • Who received the first delivery in June: 7 installments
  • Who received the first delivery in July: 6 installments
  • Who received the last installment of R $ 600 in August: you will receive 4 installments of R $ 300 in September, October, November and December;
  • Who received the last installment of R $ 600 in September: you will receive 3 installments of R $ 300 in October, November and December;
  • Who received the last installment of R $ 600 in October: you will receive 2 installments of R $ 300 in the months of November and December;
  • Who received the last installment of R $ 600 in November: you will receive only 1 payment of R $ 300, in December.

See also: Emergency help: Know what can exclude you from the R $ 300 fees
