Actor Tom Veiga, interpreter of Louro José, from ‘Mais Você’ dies in Rio | Pop Art


Actor Tom Veiga, interpreter of Louro José in the program “Mais Você”, presented by Ana Maria Braga on TV Globo, was found dead at his home in Barra da Tijuca, in Rio, this Sunday (1st).

Veiga worked on “Mais Você” for more than 20 years playing the doll, which became known for her humorous strips.

The character was created by Ana Maria Braga in 1996, according to the “Memória Globo” website. At that time, he presented the program “Note e Anote” on Record.

“It had to be an animal that spoke, that interacted with me, but it couldn’t be a dog, because a dog doesn’t speak, a bird doesn’t speak. And, by elimination, we decided on the parrot. I have one at home called Louro José. Speak and whistle the national anthem, “he recalled, in testimony.

“And I said, ‘Let’s find Louro.’ I made a first draft of the drawing and asked a person who developed dolls to do it. Each mambembe was born. Then we adjusted, changing the foam, until it went global – then it became a star, beautiful. . ”

Several people were tested to manipulate the puppet, but Tom Veiga took on the role from the start. Initially, he worked as a studio assistant for “Note e Anote”. One day, Veiga took the puppet and played with his companions. Then Ana María saw him and invited him to do it live the next day.

Louro José – Photo: João Cotta / TV Globo

In March 2017, Ana María paid tribute to the character on her birthday:

“My dearest parrot, my son. Thank you for the company, the society, the loyalty. We never argue, we never fight, we never go without talking for any reason. It is one of the most fantastic relationships of my life. He is the brother of my parrot that is there on the farm, which is also Louro José. It is my feathered son “.

Ana Maria Braga and Louro José – Photo: TV Globo

Ana Maria Braga and Louro José – Photo: TV Globo / Frederico Rozário
