Currently a bill is being approved in the Senate that proposes the creation of the 14th salary for retirees and pensioners of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), in emergency mode. According to PL 3,657 / 2020, the additional payment will be made only in 2020, with the aim of helping people insured from Social Security who were injured during the coronavirus pandemic.
For this reason, Senator Paulo Paim (PT-RS), who is the rapporteur of the proposal in the Human Rights and Participatory Legislation Commission (CDH), gave a favorable opinion to the project and called for urgency in its approval in the Chamber.
The senator justified that there are currently around 35 million INSS retirees and pensioners, and that 80% of them receive the benefit of only one minimum wage per month. In this way, the “pandemic is causing enormous damage to the economy and the lives of the most disadvantaged people,” he added.
Thus, according to the text, the 14th emergency salary will be financial support for retirees, who are part of the Covid-19 risk group. This is because the thirteenth salary was brought forward in 2020 due to the pandemic, leaving policyholders without this money at the end of the year, when payments normally occur.
In addition, the extra portion will inject about R $ 42 billion into the economy at the beginning of 2021, “generating employment and income, generating taxes, improving the quality of life, moving the local economy and strengthening the lives of all. We will have more jobs to assist with the resumption of the country’s growth, ”said Paim.
About the proposal
The Bill that proposes the creation of the 14th salary arose from Legislative Idea No. 127,741, of the São Paulo lawyer Sandro Gonçalves. According to the text, the payment would be made in December of this year, as an emergency Christmas bonus.
The proposal received broad support from the population, with more than 60,000 signatures. It was then referred to the Senate Human Rights Committee, where it is expected to be considered soon. If approved, the text will be transformed into a bill or PEC and will be voted on by the senators.
If approved at this stage, the proposal goes to the Chamber of Deputies, where it must be voted on and approved by a simple majority. Finally, the text goes on to sanction or veto President Jair Bolsonaro.
Also read: Automatic payment of R $ 1,045 from INSS released; know more