With the time change this Friday in Belo Horizonte, this Saturday the gray tone should cover the sky for most of the day. THE rain It also promises to dominate, if the weather forecasts are confirmed. Thermometers tend to stay between 17 ° C and 23 ° C, dropping 7 ° C. On Sunday, the trend continues and the people of Belo Horizonte must prepare for temperatures lower, from 15 ° C to 20 ° C, with rains especially in the morning.
The sky had a lot of clouds this Friday and the temperature dropped a bit. The predictions are that these characteristics will remain during the holidays. dragged on. This scenario is explained by the cold front that has been operating on the southeastern coast of Brazil and is already beginning to bring impacts in Minas Gerais. It should cause rain, accompanied by a sharp drop in temperatures.
This phenomenon is the result of what meteorologists call convergence of the South Atlantic. “The humidity that comes from the Amazon towards the ocean meets and feeds the cold front. That’s why it will cause a ‘rain’ here in Minas during the weekend ”, explains Ruibran dos Reis.
On Friday, the minimum temperature in the early morning was 19 ° C. In the afternoon and at night there were rains, with winds of medium intensity. “Between today (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday), there is the possibility of rain between 30 and 35 mm in the Greater BH, with high cloudiness,” he says. If concentrated, the rains can be intense. On October 29, the capital accumulated 104.2 mm of rain, 99.5% of the total expected for the month. There are possibilities, therefore, that the historical average will be exceeded.
The cold front had already eaten, set on Friday, to impact more intensity southern Minas Gerais and the Zona da Mata. “In these regions, between today (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday), there is already an expectation of rain between 35 and 40 mm, which can be strong,” says Ruibran dos Reis.
In addition to the closed climate and the possibility of rain that prevailed in virtually all regions of the sixth state, temperatures will also drop slightly. On Friday, the minimum was 12 ° C in the south of Minas, and the maximum reached 35 ° C in the north and in the Jequitinhonha valley.
The effects of the cold front advance, this Saturday, on the rest of the state. There is the possibility of heavy rains in the South, Zona da Mata, in the Central, East, North and Northwest regions, according to the meteorologist. In the last two areas, Ruibram Reis projects precipitation between 40 and 50 mm, which can be extremely strong. In the state average, the maximum temperature must reach 32 ° C and the minimum must park at 12 ° C.
“The (meteorological) models show that there are possibilities of accumulate 100 mm in the eastern part of the state, near Caratinga, Ipatinga, Coronel Fabriciano and Governador Valadares ”, highlights Ruibran. “If done, it can cause storms and cause problems.”
The trend is for time to stagnate in this scenario on Sunday, with the cold front moving further into the north and northwest regions of the state. Temperature minimal It must be at 11 ° C and the maximum at 31 ° C. On Monday, the weather will be milder, with a loss of the cold front in the entire section of Minas. Temperatures are forecast maximum 33 ° C and minimum 10 ° C.
* Intern under the supervision of Assistant Editor Marta Vieira
Civil defense guidelines
• Have a safe place where you and your family can stay in the event of hail;
• Do not stay in open areas, such as soccer fields, tennis courts, and parking lots;
• Do not drive or stand on top of hills, buildings, towers of telephone lines and electricity;
• Never shelter or park under trees;
• Try to park in places
safe and covered