Inmet Issues Heavy Rain Warning in ES; check the weather forecast for the weekend


Photo: Marcia Bertoldi

The National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) issued an orange rain alert for Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro. Rains between 30 and 60 mm / h are expected and intense winds of up to 100 km / h. The alert lasts until 5 pm on Saturday (31).

According to Inmet, there is a risk of power outages, falling tree limbs, floods and electric shocks. The Brazilian Navy, through the Hydrography Center (CHM), also issued an alert about the passage of a cold front over much of the Brazilian coast.

Incaper, in turn, alerts capixabas about the occurrence of continuous rains, which can result in significant accumulations of precipitation in some sections of Espírito Santo until next Sunday (01).

Check the weather forecast for the weekend:

In this Saturday (31)According to Incaper, there is the possibility of isolated blows, with electrical storms, starting in the afternoon in all regions of the state. In Gran Vitória, the variations of the clouds and the rain forecast throughout the day must be recorded. Minimum temperature of 23 ° C and maximum of 29 ° C.

In the southern region, the lowest areas should register a minimum temperature of 21 ° C and a maximum of 28 ° C. In high areas, a minimum of 19 ° C and a maximum of 25 ° C. In the lower areas of the Serrana region, the minimum expected temperature is 20 ° C and maximum 27 ° C. In high areas, minimum 17 ° C and maximum 26 ° C.

In the North, a minimum temperature of 23 ° C and a maximum of 29 ° C. In the northwestern part of the state, the low areas must register a minimum temperature of 23 ° C and a maximum temperature of 30 ° C. In Mantenimientopolis and Alto Rio Novo , minimum of 22 ° C and maximum of 26 ° C. In the Northeast, minimum temperature of 24 ° C and maximum of 30 ° C.

No Sunday (01), the presence of a humidity channel leaves a cloudy and rainy climate in almost all of Espírito Santo. The sun appears timidly in the southern region and in part of the mountainous region. Expressive rains are expected in some sections.

In Grande Vitória, overcast skies and rain forecast at any time. Minimum temperature of 23 ° C and maximum of 27 ° C. In the southern region, the lower areas must register a minimum temperature of 22 ° C and a maximum of 27 ° C. In high areas: minimum 20 ° C and maximum 27 ° C.

In the lower areas of the mountainous region, a minimum temperature of 21 ° C and a maximum of 26 ° C. In high areas: minimum 19 ° C and maximum 24 ° C. In the North, minimum temperature of 23 ° C and maximum of 27 ° C.

In the Northwest region, the elevated low areas must register a minimum temperature of 23 ° C and a maximum temperature of 28 ° C. In Maintanopolis and Alto Rio Novo, a minimum of 22 ° C and a maximum of 25 ° C. In the Northeast, minimum temperature of 24 ° C and maximum of 27 ° C.

In Monday (02), Festival of the Dead, the humidity channel moves away from Espírito Santo. Even so, rains are still expected throughout Espírito Santo until the end of the morning. Starting in the afternoon, the rains should be concentrated in the northern region and in parts of the northeast and northwest regions.

In Grande Vitória, a minimum temperature of 21 ° C and a maximum of 29 ° C. In the southern region, the thermometers in the lower areas must register a minimum of 20 ° C and a maximum of 29 ° C. In high areas: minimum 18 ° C and maximum 27 ° C. In the mountainous region, the lowest areas: minimum temperature of 18 ° C and maximum of 27 ° C. In high areas: minimum of 16 ° C and maximum of 24 ° C.

In the north, cloud variation and rain forecast throughout the day. Minimum temperature of 22 ° C and maximum of 29 ° C. In the Northwest region, variation of clouds and rain forecast at some moments. In low-lying areas: minimum temperature of 21 ° C and maximum of 31 ° C.

In Mantenopolis and Alto Rio Novo, minimum 21 ° C and maximum 27 ° C. In the Northeast region, variation of clouds and rain forecast at some moments. Minimum temperature of 22 ° C and maximum of 28 ° C.
