A pregnant woman and a man were found charred in a car in the rural area of Coroados (SP). According to investigations by the Civil Police, the couple was alive and tied up when the suspects threw gasoline and set the vehicle on fire.
Ellen Priscila Ferreira da Silva, 24, and Ely Carlos dos Santos, 39, were identified by the pregnant woman’s family after the vehicle was recognized. However, the certainty of the identity of the bodies will only come after the result of the DNA test, which has not yet been completed. The genetic material is being analyzed in a specialized laboratory.
The car with the bodies was found on the 17th, but the information that the victims were burned alive was only confirmed on Thursday (10/29), after the arrest of four suspects. The detainees are three men, aged 19, 35 and 38, and a woman, 36.
The woman is held in the Nanhadera prison, while the men are in the Penápolis prison. The temporary detention is valid for 30 days.
“It was a very cruel and premeditated crime. One of the suspects even personally comforted the victim’s mother after the death was confirmed, ”Paulo de Tarso, the delegate responsible for the case, told UOL.
During the interrogation, the 19-year-old man and the woman assumed co-responsibility for the crime. The other prisoners denied their participation. “The victim was four months pregnant with one of the suspects, who is married. His wife, who took over the co-participation, and is also pregnant, knew it ”, explained the delegate.
Reasons for the homicide
The Civil Police investigates three main motives for the crime: revenge, crime of passion and drug debt. “Ellen and Ely Carlos would be in debt to a trafficker who was also arrested. Another point is that Ellen refused to have an abortion of the child conceived in the extramarital affair ”, explained delegate Paulo de Tarso to UOL.