Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), president of the Chamber of Deputies, returned to his Twitter this Thursday morning (29) to take a picture with Roberto Campos Neto, president of the Central Bank, after criticizing him for leaking a conversation that two had it the day before.
According to the deputy, he received a call from the head of the BC saying that it was not he who leaked the dialogue.
“Given the word of the president, the leak was certainly caused by third parties,” Maia said.
Previously, the mayor criticized Campos Neto for the leak, saying that the attitude was not “at the level of a bank president in a serious country.”
Check out the tweets below:
I just got a call from the president of BC saying that he did not reveal our conversation to the press. In the president’s word, the leak was certainly caused by third parties. Here I register the connection and the trust I have in him.
– Rodrigo Maia (@RodrigoMaia) October 29, 2020
Since October 6 there have been no votes in the Chamber. The reason is the obstruction made by the parties at the base of the government as a way of trying to get a name aligned with the leader of the PP in the Chamber, the deputy Arthur Lira (AL), in the presidency of the Mixed Committee on Budgets ( CMO). The opposition has also secured the works to try to put in order of the day the provisional measure that extends the emergency aid in the amount of R $ 300.
According to the interlocutors, Maia told Campos Neto the same thing he has responded in public: that the obstruction starts from the base of the government.
Yesterday, for journalists, Maia criticized the articulation of the base. “I command, the base obstructs, I cancel the session. Unfortunately, it is so. I hope that, when we have to vote on the emergency PEC, the tax reform, that the government has more interest and the base itself removes the obstruction from the Chamber’s agenda, ”he said.
With just a few weeks to go until the end of the year, Maia had already argued that the government and party leaders should urgently close a voting schedule on cost-cutting measures to ensure the adoption of Renda Cidadã, the replacement program for Bolsa Família, and give fiscal peace to the country in the next two years. For the mayor, there is no more time to lose because, according to him, the crisis “is much closer, the deadline is short and the decision of what to do has not yet been made.”
Campos Neto’s concerns arise at a key moment for the Central Bank. The perception is that if fiscal risk intensifies, the municipality will reinforce warnings that it will need to raise interest rates to control inflation. Campos Neto has indicated that, with the disorganized fiscal area, it is not possible to keep interest rates low forever. At yesterday’s Monetary Policy Committee meeting, the Selic rate remained at 2%, the lowest level in history. View the analyzes on Copom’s decision by clicking here.
(With Agência Estado)