Video shows the rescue of a 6-year-old girl who spent two hours in a hole in Uberlândia | Mining triangle


According to Lieutenant André Mariano, a soldier managed to reach the girl through the entrance of the cavity, but it was not possible to remove her because her shoulders were stuck.

As this strategy did not work, we dug a parallel hole and little by little we made contact with it. We also lowered a hose that provided additional oxygen to facilitate breathing.

– André Mariano, firefighter

The girl was consciously withdrawn and guided. “The initial assessment is that he only had minor injuries to his arms and legs, probably caused during the fall. They will send her to the hospital to undergo further evaluations, “concluded Mariano.

Also according to the firefighter, it was found that the work where the accident occurred has several holes with the opening exposed. The team instructed those responsible for the work to close the cavities.

According to the girl’s father, Josuel Júnior, he was preparing lunch when the girl took a doll and went to work, which started a week ago. Junior tried to calm her throughout the rescue.

I still managed to grab his arm, but it was slipping out of my grasp and he fell. I even tried to pull it up with a broom later, but the dirt started falling on my face and it fell even more. Seeing her come out of that hole was such a relief.

– Josuel Júnior

Firefighters rescue a boy who fell into a hole in Uberlândia

Firefighters rescue a boy who fell into a hole in Uberlândia
