THE Citizen income program It will be approved until the end of 2020. The confirmation came through the rapporteur of the PEC emergency proposal, Márcio Bittar (MDB-AC). The program will replace Bolsa Família and current emergency aid starting in 2021.
In recent weeks, the senator revealed that the details of the project will be released shortly after the end of the municipal elections. That is, only at the end of November, considering the date of the second round.
Last Tuesday, October 27, the rapporteur participated in a meeting with the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes. However, he did not reveal details of that encounter. But he reiterated that the Government will approve the Citizen income at the end of 2020.
It is not yet known how it will be possible to make the project viable at the end of this year, since it is more difficult to approve these guidelines at the end of the year, when Congress is usually emptier. In addition, considering the end of the elections, the measure will be after November 15.
According to Rodrigo María, president of the Chamber of Deputies, there is no way to approve the project without first approving a device that generates triggers to control public spending, so that it does not exceed the public spending ceiling.
End of the year
In the midst of these uncertainties, only one thing is certain: the concern of the worker. It’s that around 38 million people will be left without income after Emergency Aid ends in December. This according to data from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). Therefore, these people await the responses of the Government.
It is not yet known with certainty, but behind the scenes information circulates that the Government wants to pay an amount higher than the average of Bolsa Família and less than the R $ 600 for Emergency Aid. But it is not yet known where the money will come from to pay for all this.