An audit carried out by the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) identified that 10,724 candidates received emergency aid and declared assets in excess of R $ 300 thousand. Also according to the data crossing, 1,320 millionaire candidates obtained the benefit. The report was presented at the TCU plenary session on Wednesday (28) by Minister Bruno Dantas.
“It is puzzling to imagine that a person who has assets of this amount and is still willing to apply for emergency aid, can be elected and manage public affairs and the life of the community,” said Dantas, rapporteur for the process.
TCU sees signs of irregularity in emergency aid: the audit identified that almost 11 thousand candidates receive the benefit and have more than R $ 300 thousand in assets – Photo: Guilherme Pinheiro / G1
The report considered the amount of R $ 300 thousand, because a provisional measure signed in September of this year began to veto the granting of the benefit to those who declared assets of up to R $ 300 thousand as of December 31, 2019. These people cannot receive residual emergency aid, of R $ 300. “The situations found represent signs of irregularity that must be assessed by the administrator in the granting or maintenance of residual emergency aid”, says the text.
“Law 13,982 of 2020 did not establish formal restrictions on the patrimonial value of the beneficiaries of emergency aid, but restricted its granting to applicants with per capita family income to half the minimum wage or total family income of up to three minimum wages. 2020, which establishes the residual emergency aid, in turn, formally incorporated the prohibition of granting the benefit to claimants with possession or ownership of goods and rights, on 12/31/2019, of a total value or greater than R $ 300 one thousand. ”
The judicial data crossing was carried out by the Secretariat for External Control of Tax Management, Welfare and Assistance (SocialSecexPrevidência) and considered the Unified Base of People, the qualified information of the INSS and Bolsa Família Nómina, data from the Court. Electoral Superior (TSE) and also the Registry of Individuals.
A survey of the G1 Paraná it had already found 70 candidates who received emergency aid and declared at least R $ 1 million in assets. Some of the candidates have real estate, country estates, motor boats and even airplanes.
The TCU survey also identified 39 candidates who receive the Continuous Fee Benefit (BPC) and have assets of at least R $ 500 thousand. Also according to the audit, 321 candidates are registered in Bolsa Família and also have a high net worth, being 59 millionaires. The report also indicates that this heritage is incompatible with the rules of the programs and is “at odds with the concept of poverty and extreme poverty.”
The TCU also requests that the Ministry of Citizenship “review the benefits and indicate the measures or internal controls that will be adopted” regarding the events identified in the emergency aid and Bolsa Família. The agency also requests that INSS take action on the BPC’s findings.
Number of beneficiaries due to incompatible assets
Equity (in R $) | PCB | Family scholarship |
500 thousand to 750 thousand | twenty-one | 212 |
750 thousand to 1 million | 10 | fifty |
More than 1 million | 8 | 59 |
Total | 39 | 321 |
Other audits carried out by TCU had already detected indications of irregularity with respect to the beneficiaries of the emergency aid. More than 1 million people have already had their money canceled for breach of the program’s rules, such as being a resident abroad or even an official. Another TCU report identified that more than 620,000 emergency aid payments were improper.
In July, the Ministry of Citizenship had already reported that 1,303,127 million CPFs were sent to Caixa to block it and carry out a detailed control for suspected fraud.

Caixa suspends emergency aid accounts on suspicion of fraud