posted on 10/27/2020 11:12 PM

(credit: Playback)
The Aldeia do Vale condominium, in Goiânia (GO), stated that the client who prohibited the entry of a black delivery man into the residential, on Monday night (10/26), is not a resident of the place. According to the company address, the police passed the name of the person who made the application through the application and the records indicate that he does not live and never lived in Aldeia do Vale. “It was all just a criminal joke by someone who never lived here,” says the condominium, in a note signed by the president of the neighborhood association, Sérgio Cecílio.
The complaint against the client was made by a hamburger restaurant in the capital of Goiás. According to the cafeteria, when he contacted the woman, he would have told her that he would not receive the delivery man because he is black. “This nigga is not coming into my condo,” he replied. “Send another motorcycle messenger that is white,” he continued. The client was banned by the iFood app.
Protest in front of the condominium
According to the condominium, after the repercussions of what happened, on Tuesday (10/27) a protest was held at the residence. According to the note, more than 100 motorcyclists gathered in front of the entrance and it was necessary to request police support to organize the demonstration. They protested, shouting words like “burn the racists” and “kill the rich.”
Aldeia do Vale also reported that some residents were repressed by protesters. “Several embarrassing situations happened: a neighbor arriving at the condominium, with his daughter and wife in his vehicle, was surrounded by protesters outside our block. says the project management.
See the full note:
“Condomínio Aldeia do Vale, in Goiânia, informs that it received, at the beginning of the night, the information from the Cyber Crimes Department of the State Police about the name of the person who committed the crime of racism on the night of 10/25 and that immediately verified that she is not a resident of the condo.
The clarification came after a tense day for the neighbors who ended up suffering a collective trial for the impact of the complaint made by the hamburger restaurant on social networks on the attitude of the client, who said she was a resident of the condominium and requested that the delivery of his department was made there. order. Through the food delivery app dialog, he said he would not receive the delivery man because he is black.
Disgusted, several messengers scheduled a social demonstration at 5 pm on Tuesday, at the gate of Aldeia do Vale. At 5:25 pm, more than 100 motorcyclists arrived at the entrance of Floresta, and it was necessary to request police support to organize the demonstration and guarantee the safety of all. They protested shouting words like “BURN THE RACISISTS”, “BURGUESAS # * $%”, “DEATH TO RIQUINHOS” among others.
Several embarrassing situations happened: a neighbor who arrived at the condominium, with his daughter and wife in his vehicle, was surrounded by the protesters outside our blockade. Some hooligans kicked the rear view mirror and some parts of the side of this car.
Late in the afternoon, the administration received, through the CIVIL POLICE, the name of the person who, through his request, committed the racial crime and caused all this disorder. Consulting our records, we are sure to inform you that YOU ARE NOT AND NEVER WAS A RESIDENT OF ALDEIA DO VALE
In other words, it was all a criminal joke from someone who never lived here.
The Civil Police will continue the investigations to determine the guilt of this woman, and SAALVA will take all appropriate measures to hold those responsible for this absurdity responsible.
Once again, we express our rejection of racist attitudes and we express our solidarity with the deliveryman Elson Gomes, to whom we express our support and sympathy. We need to fight against all kinds of prejudices every day and in all spaces.
Sergio Cecílio
President of Saalva – Residencial Aldeia do Vale
Goiânia, October 27, 2020 “