Inmet warns of the possibility of rains and intense winds in part of Ceará – Region


The National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) launched an alert on Tuesday (27) due to the possibility of rains between 20mm and 50mm for part of the southern region of Ceará and the Sertões dos Inhamuns, associated with gusts of intense winds between 40km / h and 60km / h. The warning classified as “potential danger” ends at 11 am on Wednesday (28).

Despite the forecast, Inmet noted that the risk of power outages, falling tree limbs, floods and electric shocks is low.

The Cearense Meteorology and Water Resources Foundation (Funceme) adds the possibility of “variable cloudiness in all regions with the possibility of rain on the coasts of Fortaleza and Pecém, in Cariri and in the Central Sertão and Inhamuns”.

However, for the meteorologist from Funceme Raúl Fritz, “The trend is light and temporary rain for this Wednesday”.

The bodies converge when the explanation of the last occasional rains in Ceará is given. According to Funceme and Inmet, the rains are due to areas of instability that were formed over the Tropical Atlantic Ocean, near Bahia.


This Tuesday (26), the relative humidity indexes improved in the interior of Ceará, according to a survey by Inmet.

In Iguatu, 22% were observed, Morada Nova (25%), Crateús (26%), Sobral (30%), Jaguaruana (32%), Barbalha (33%), Quixeramobim and Tauá (39%), Tianguá ( 42%), Fortaleza (51%) and Guaramiranga (53%).

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