A Federal Police unleashed, on Tuesday morning (27), an operation against illegal mining in the Sertão de Pernambuco. During the operation, the deputy mayor of the city of Serrita, 534 km from Recife, and three more military policemen were arrested. A federal police officer was removed from office.
The measures, according to the Federal Police, are carried out at the home of the accused, located in Serrite, São José do Belmonte, Igarassu, Juazeiro do Norte me Yard. Also according to the police, investigations show that the criminal organization involves public and private agents, financiers, refiners and mineral recipients.
The Federal Police stated that the activity of the criminal organization investigated consisted of the extraction of minerals on public and private lands, located in the Rural Zone of Verdejante, in the interior of Pernambuco, with the processing, which was carried out in the municipality of Serrita, and finally the marketing of gold.
Money laundering
The proceeds of the sale were put into circulation, with the appearance of legality, through the purchase of vehicles and other products, which constitute money laundering. It was also found that some payments for services performed in favor of mining were made through Serrita Town Hall.
The operation was attended by 57 Federal Police agents and emerged from a joint investigation carried out between the Federal Police Station of Salgueiro and the Federal Public Ministry.
Suspects can be held liable for crimes of theft of Union property, environmental crimes), money laundering and criminal organization. Penalties can reach up to 20 years in prison, in addition to a fine.
Phrygia mentions the land of King Midas from Greek mythology. Everything he touched turned to gold.